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Students Organize 'Sustainable Food Week' at Swarthmore

For Immediate Release:  April 6 , 2007
Contact:  Marsha Nishi Mullan     


Students Organize 'Sustainable Food Week'
at Swarthmore


A recently chartered student group, the Swarthmore Good Food Project, has organized a "Sustainable Food Week" at Swarthmore with events that are free and open to the public from Monday, April 9, through Sunday, April 15. The Good Food Project aims to raise general awareness with these and other events "about food-related issues such as environmental degradation, food justice, international economic and political agreements, animal welfare, and human health and culture."


"Sustainable Food Week" Schedule:


  •  Monday, April 9, 8 p.m. Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall. "Dispelling Dietary Myths: Practical Nutrition for College Students," a lecture and discussion with Mari Clements, Swarthmore College nutrition therapist and consultant. Clements is a registered dietitian with a Master's Degree in Health Education, Board Certification in Diabetes Education and a diploma in Ayurvedic Nutrition. She is also a registered Jin Shin Do acupressure therapist. She has been a nutrition therapist and nutrition lecturer and writer since 1989. Her counseling experience includes many years of working with patients who have disordered eating habits and body image issues.
  • Tuesday, April 10, 5-7:15 p.m. Sharples Dining Hall. "Good Food Project Sharples TAKE-OVER." (Open, but not free to the public; dinner can be purchased by those not on the meal plan for $7.50). Come out to our favorite dining hall to find a burst of organic foods and information about our project and why we're working toward sustainable food. We urge you to take this chance to try a fully vegetarian or vegan meal, as so much science now points to meat production as a cause of environmental destruction. You can also enjoy the acoustic stylings of Cassendre Xavier for the evening.
  • Wednesday, April 11, 4:15 p.m. Bond Hall. "The Future of Food." Lecture and panel discussion, led by Hansjakob Werlen, German Professor and Slow Food USA Convivium leader, with Elizabeth E. Andersen, the owner of a Chester County sustainable farm, and her daughter, Princeton student and food activist, Katy Anderson. Delicious refreshments provided.

    Hansjakob Werlen, professor of German at Swarthmore College, is also the Philadelphia Convivium leader for Slow Food USA, an organization that "envisions a future food system that is based on the principles of high quality and taste, environmental sustainability, and social justice - in essence, a food system that is good, clean and fair."

    Elizabeth E. Andersen is the co-owner of Charlestown Farm Center, a non-certified organic CSA in Chester County, Pa. Anderson co-organized the Phoenixville Farmer's Market for growers/producers in 2001 with the help of The Food Trust, the Phoenixville Area Economic Development Corporation (PAEDCO), the Phoenixville Community Health Foundation and Longview Development LP.

    Katy Andersen, a junior at Princeton University and the daughter of Elizabeth Anderson, organized a very successful "Think Globally, Eat Locally" food festival in 2003, which she moved to the Phoenixville Farmer's Market in 2004 and renamed "Delish!"
  • Thursday, April 12, 10 p.m.  Alice Paul Lounge. "Ethical Eating: Ring Discussion," a panel of food-conscious Swarthmoreans ranging from vegan to carnivorous omnivore.  Share your thoughts about how you decide what to eat, and the "ethics" of food.
  • Friday, April 13, 8 p.m.  Science Center, Cunniff Lecture Hall (Rm. 199). "Fast Food Nation," a dramatic feature based on Eric Schlosser's bestseller Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All American Meal brought to you by the Good Food Project and the Movie Committee. "Fast Food Nation" is billed as a revolutionary hit featuring thousands of cows, some eco-saboteurs, and special narrative insight into some of the environmental and labor issues with factory meat farms in the U.S.
  • Saturday, April 14, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.  Environmental Center @ Smedley Park, Springfield, Pa. "Vegetable Gardening Training" with the Delaware County Cooperative Extension. Contact or to register for the workshop and transportation. This workshop is designed for all home gardeners. Expand your home gardening skills by growing your own fresh veggies. Learn the correct ways to plant and cultivate your own prize-winning vegetables.
  • Saturday, April 14, 1-3 p.m.  Chester, Pa. Chester Co-op Wellness Fair. The Good Food Project will have an informative table at the fair for the new Chester Co-op.  Come be a part in a vital link between our student garden and the community.  Contact or to register for the fair and transportation.
  • Sunday, April 15, 1 p.m. Good Food Garden plots, corner of Harvard and Yale Avenues, Swarthmore. "Spring Garden Planting." Parents, students, friends, and all: come help plant and work in the new student garden across from the Mary Lyons dormitory. This planting time will be instrumental in our success, and everyone is invited to come out, feel the earth, and breathe the fresh air. No experience necessary, only clothes to work in. Refreshments provided.
