- Books
- Loan period: 28 days
- Two renewals
audio books and popular reading room books
- Loan period: 28 days
- One renewal
reference books
- Non-circulating
Books from bryn mawr & haverford
- Request at the circulation desk
- Loan period: 28 days
- Two renewals
- Multimedia
dvds & video
- Loan period: 4 weeks
- Limit: 5 items
- One renewal
cds & lps
- Loan period: 7 days
- Two renewals
- Loan period: one semester
- Two renewals
- Items on reserve
- General reserves (including video) and active Honors Reserves materials do not circulate
- Inactive Honors Reserves
- Loan period: 28 days
- All titles become "active" on April 1 to benefit anyone preparing for Honors exams and are subject to recall.
- Two renewals
Print journals do not circulate. Alumni are not eligible for borrowing through EZ Borrow or Interlibrary Loan. Many online resources may be used on campus and some online resources are available through the Swarthmore Online Alumni Community.