Autograph Collection
The Autograph Collection consists of letters, correspondence and other assorted autograph materials from senators, congressmen, writers and artists, most dating from the 19th to early 20th century. Little is known about the history of the collection, but most of the autographed responses are addressed to Mr William H. Fry, of Harrisburg, PA, who appeared to have been collecting autographs from Pennsylvania politicians. Other letters are addressed to Charles Shaw, Swarthmore College Librarian (1927 - 1962), and Charles Francis Jenkins, Manager of Swarthmore College for 40 years and President of the Board from 1933 to 1944.

A letter from George Du Maurier,
whose autograph suitably depicts Du Maurier's profession as a cartoonist for Punch,
a British weekly magazine of humor and satire,
started in the mid nineteenth century.