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Students & Alumni

Zachary Weintraub'07

Zachary Weintraub

Honors English major, Interpretation Theory minor
Glenside, PA.

"There' s no one straight answer about interpretation theory . When I talk about it, I say it' s interdisciplinary and aims to historicize and draw out the connections between disciplines, why certain questions are important in what we' re studying. I stress it can be applied to any discipline."

Tanya Gonzales '07

Tanya Gonzales

Psychobiology major, Interpretation Theory minor
San Antonio , TX

"As a science major, the idea that so many things can be the right answer was a new breakthrough for me. It' s amazing how my biology classes connect beautifully with my interpretation theory courses now. Everything is fusing together. It' s really exciting."

Rhiannon Graybill '07

Rhiannon Graybill

Honors Religion major, Interpretation Theory minor
Great Falls, MT.

"In interpretation theory, we look at how we interpret the world and why it matters. It's a good complement to religion classes, applying theory to the texts. My thesis definitely exists in that space between the two disciplines. It's about the Tower of Babel, a great story of confusion and interpretation. I analyze how people are anxious about what it means. It has allowed me to be innovative in my methodology. I can explore."

Lucy Jane Lang '03

Lucy Lang

Teaching Fellow, Columbia University Law School; Assistant District Attorney, Manhattan
New York City, NY.

"My background in interpretation theory has served me well. My ability to understand case law, make sense of conflicting legal philosophies, and demand answers to the complicated questions surrounding notions of justice, have all contributed to my successful law school career. Interpretation theory helped teach me to argue clearly and cogently and instilled in me a necessary understanding of when to listen."

From the Class of 2006:

Rhiannon Graybill, Laura Holzman, Anna Leach, Zachary Weintraub

From the Class of 2007:

Thomas Evnen, Emily Firetog, Robert Golder, Tanya Gonzales, Emily Robbins, Ethan Ucker

From the Class of 2008:

Samuel Asarnow, Christina Baik, Natalie Bowlus, Laura Cass, Rachel Sugar