PopIn!: Zeshan Bagewadi
The Intercultural Center (IC) began the new academic year with its first PopIn! guest, Zeshan Bagewadi. A Chicago native educated at Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music, Zeshan is the lead singer of the band Zamin, an indie-rock band based in Chicago. Zeshan has performed throughout the United States, Italy, and India, and able to sing in 11 different languages and is trilingual.
During the PopIn! Zeshan shared intimate anecdotes about his grandparents and their lives in India before the partition. Through these stories he illustrated the devastating impacts of the India-Pakistan partition on countless lives. Zeshan did a live performance of Border Anthems, a recent video project that merges the Indian and Pakistani national anthems that explores that nature of the geo-poltical boundary that seperates India and Pakistan. The event was graced by many members of the Swarthmore community---students and staff-----and was a great beginning to a brand new year!