Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Assessment (IERA) conducts research to support planning, decision making, and assessment across campus.
Services for the Swarthmore College Community
The office's work portfolio is broad, and its activities include projects to serve internal constituents, such as providing support for academic and administrative assessment efforts, informing the College community about campus and external trends, conducting specialized studies in support of campus needs and priorities, summarizing information about comparison institutions,and providing support for the College's planning efforts.
Services for External Audiences
External constituents benefit from the work of Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Assessment as well. Basic statistics about the College are provided in the annual Factbook and in the Common Data Set. In addition, the Office coordinates data collections to address various external reporting needs, such as surveys from publishers of admissions guides and other agencies. Much of the College's mandated reporting to the state and federal governments is done by the IERA.
Consortia and Accreditation
Additionally, the Office serves as an institutional liaison to consortia such as COFHE (Consortium on Financing Higher Education) and AICUP (Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania). The office also provides leadership and support for the College's accreditation review cycles.
Swarthmore College Fall Enrollments