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Moore Research Fellowship

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The Margaret W. Moore and John M. Moore Research Fellowship provides a stipend to promote research that uses the resources of the Friends Historical Library and/or the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Preference is given to projects that make significant use of materials available only on-site at Swarthmore College.​ Applications are due March 31.

Questions about the application process may be directed to Celia Caust-Ellenbogen,

  • Faculty, graduate students, independent scholars, creatives, and other types of researchers at all levels are welcome to apply. (Swarthmore College faculty and staff are also eligible for this fellowship. Current Swarthmore students should instead apply for the Moore Student Fellowship.) Fellows will be required to give a brief, informal presentation about their research to library staff on the last day of their research trip.

  • A stipend in the amount of $1,500 per week, for a minimum of one week and a maximum of four weeks, will be distributed to 2-6 researchers. Fellows are expected to travel to Swarthmore to conduct their research on-campus between July 1 and the following June 30. It is our expectation that each research trip will be for a one-week minimum increment (for a example, a researcher granted $3,000 for two weeks may choose to schedule two separate one-week trips). If alternative arrangements are preferred, they must be requested. 

    Swarthmore College encourages persons with disabilities to visit and use our spaces. Please be aware that accommodations are available, and our staff will be happy to discuss needs with successful awardees.

  • Applications for the 2025-2026 Moore Fellowship are due on March 31, 2025. Applicants must complete this application form and submit an application packet. The packet should include the following four components, combined into a single PDF that includes your name in the filename. Email the file to Celia:

    1. A description of your project and its importance to the field. The description should address how you will use the resources at Friends Historical Library (FHL), the Swarthmore College Peace Collection (SCPC), and/or Swarthmore College Archives (SCA) to address your research question. Applicants may wish to consult with collection Curators about available resources before submitting their application. The project description should state the anticipated publication or dissemination of research results. Applicants working on projects using resources available on microfilm or in digital format should state why they would need to see the original material or view the analog formats on site. There is no required length, but most project proposals are 2-5 pages (double-spaced).
    2. A workplan that states the number of weeks that the applicant wishes to spend on site, and includes a list of the specific resources (with collection/call numbers and box numbers if applicable), that the applicant wishes to consult. Please note that staff are typically unable to process requests larger than 30 boxes per week.
    3. A current vitae or resume.
    4. A short writing sample (an article or book chapter).

    Notifications of award winners will be distributed around May 1 of the award year.

Olatunde Taiwo, Olabisi Onabanjo University (Nigeria), 2019

Olatunde Taiwo, Olabisi Onabanjo University (Nigeria), 2019

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List of Some Past Moore Fellows


  • Annie Anderson (Rutgers University), "Carceral Politics in the Quaker City: Race, Sex, and Surveillance in Progressive-Era Philadelphia"
  • Marc Becker (Truman State University), "Latin American Women’s Movements during the 1950s"
  • Elizabeth L.R. Bryant (University of Maryland), "Black Interior Magazine: The Other Elizabeth"
  • Thalia Ertman (University of California, Los Angeles), "Feminist Anti-Nuclear Activism and Women's Bodies, 1975-2000"
  • Manuel Grajales (University of North Texas), "Resistance through Conviction: Puerto Rican Identity and Resistance, World War II - Vietnam War"
  • Julie Holcomb (Baylor University), "George W. Taylor, a Practical Antislavery Man: Capitalism, Race, and Reform in Nineteenth-Century America"
  • Taylor Johnson, "kingless signet"
  • Iain McIntyre (University of Melbourne), "Direct Action and Democracy: The Role of Movement for a New Society in Training and Education"


  • Christina Danielle Bartson (New York University), "The Peace Pentagon"
  • Emmaia Gelman (Sarah Lawrence College), "Once comrades: Reading neoconservative history through socialist opposition"
  • María Fernanda Lanfranco González (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), "Women’s Transnational Activism in the Americas and Beyond: The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in Latin America"
  • Sophie Hess (University of Maryland), "Hollow Ground: Industry, Ecology, and Climate Change in the Floodplains of Early Maryland"
  • Seth Kershner (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), "“Can’t Jail Truth”: Vietnam Era Dissent in the American Military Prison"
  • Mélena (Mae) Laudig (Princeton University), "“Her Country’s Children”: African American Religion and Childhood in Slavery and Freedom"
  • Kristina Shull (UNC Charlotte), "Immigration Detention and Histories of Resistance"
  • Andrew Ventimiglia (Illinois State University), ""A Name which to them is Sacred:" Quakers and Religious Trademarks in American Enterprise"


  • Anna Duensing (Yale University), "Fascists without Labels: Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Making of a Black anti-fascist movement 1933-77"
  • Donna Eyestone (College of San Mateo), "Quiet Tension: A Barbara Deming Podcast"
  • Amelia Flood (Saint Louis University), Paul M. Pearson
  • An Thuy Nguyen (University of Maine), South Vietnamese urban antiwar activism and opposition to the Nixon Doctrine in Asia from 1969 to 1975
  • Amy Rutenberg (Iowa State University), "In the Service of Peace: Peace Activism and Military Service in Post-Vietnam War America"
  • William F. Vogel (University of Minnesota), "‘Germ Warfare Perverts Science and Mocks God:’ The Vigil at Fort Detrick, the Peace Action Center, and Popular Protest Against Biological Warfare in the 1960s"

No fellowships awarded


  • Richard C. Allen (Newcastle University), "‘Travelling in Search of Peace and Reconciliation’: The Peaceable Life and Experiences of Daniel Bell Hanbury (1794–1882)"  
  • Louis H. Battalen, "From Rags to Rags: Writings of Juanita Morrow Nelson (1923-2015)"


  • Sa'ed Atshan (Swarthmore College), "Alienation and Belonging Among Black and Palestinian Friends"
  • Garrett Felber (University of Mississippi), “From Prisons to Freedom Rides: How Prison Abolition Shaped the Civil Rights Movement.”
  • Christina Larocco (Historical Society of Pennsylvania), Martha Schofield (1839–1916)
  • Carolyn Levy (Penn State), "Prisoners and Their Matrons: Incarceration and Reform in Nineteenth-Century America"
  • Olatunde Taiwo (Olabisi Onabanjo University), "Friend(ship) Across the Sahara: Quakerism in Africa Since 1855"


  • Ruth Braunstein (University of Connecticut), "The Moral Meaning of Taxes: Taxpayers, Tax Resisters and the Construction of Good Citizenship" 
  • Jon Coburn (Newcastle University), "Summers of Peace and Justice: US Women's Peace Encampments in the 1980s"
  • Isabelle Cosgrave (University of Exeter), "Balancing Literary Ambition and Quaker Commitment: Amelia Opie and Mary Howitt Negotiate Shifting Quaker Attitudes in Nineteenth-Century Britain"
  • Isaac May (University of Virginia), "God-Optional Religion: Quaker, Unitarians, Jews and the Changing Nature of Theism, 1920-1965"


  • Shuko Tamao (PhD Candidate, University at Buffalo), "Picturing the Institution of Social Death: Visual Rhetorics of Postwar Asylum Exposé Photography"


  • Doug Gwyn (Durham Friends Meeting (ME)), Friends General Conference Gathering since 1900


  • Paula R. Palmer (Boulder Friends Meeting), Quaker Indian Boarding Schools

No Fellowship awarded


  • Jessica M. Frazier (PhD Candidate, Binghamton University), "U.S. Women’s Transnational Activism"


  • Amanda Quakenbush Guidotti (University of Delaware), "The Spirit Awakens: Evangelicalism and the Transformation of American Quakerism"


  • Aaron Wunsch (University of Pennsylvania), Quaker burial practices


  • Brian E. McNeil, (PhD Candidate, University of Texas at Austin), "Frontiers of Need: Humanitarianism and the American Involvement in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970"

No Fellowship awarded


  • Michael Goode (Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Chicago), "In the Kingdom but Not of It: The Quaker Peace Testimony and Atlantic Pennsylvania, 1689-1714."


  • Suzanne Kelley McCormack (Visiting Professor, Wheaton College), "American Prisoners of War and the Vietnam War-Era Peace Movement" 


  • James M.Donahue (University of Notre Dame), "Transnational Protestantism and the League of Nations, 1914-1948"


  • Stephanie Patterson Gilbert (Graduate Student, American Studies Penn State University, Harrisburg), “Childbearing Cycles and Family Limitation in an Eighteenth-Century Affluent Household: The Fertility Transition of Elizabeth Sandwith Drinker and Her Daughters”


  • Carol Faulkner (Assistant Professor, History Department, State University of New York at Geneseo), “Lucretia Mott and the Politics of 19th Century Reform” 


  • Deborah Bishov ’04 (Senior Thesis, History Department, Swarthmore College),  “The War Resisters League” 


  • A. Glenn Crothers (Assistant Professor, History Department, Indiana University Southeast), “Negotiating Communities and Cultures: Quakers and Slavery in Early National Northern Virginia”              


  • Amy Schneidhorst (Graduate Student, History Department, University of Illinois-Chicago), “Sisters in the Struggle: Older Women’s Activism for Peace and Social Justice in Chicago, 1960 – 1975”  
  • Charles E. Fager (Independent Quaker Scholar), “Exploration of the roots, major themes, and evolution of religious thought (or theology) in FGC Quakerism, from its beginning through the 20th century”