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Publications in Linguistics: Books

(sorry -- most books are covered by copyright -- so only these are available here)

  1. The two si’s of Italian: an analysis of reflexive, inchoative, and indefinite subject sentences in modern standard Italian. (Indiana University Linguistic Club, 1976--a printing of the 1973 dissertation). [pdf]
  2. Humour in Sign Languages: The Linguistic Underpinnings. Dublin, Ireland: Trinity College Dublin, 2009. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence) [pdf]
  3. Disrespected literatures: Histories and reversal of linguistic oppression.  Issue 22 of Altre Modernità, 2019. (Co-editor with Simona Bertacco and Rachel Sutton-Spence).

Publications in Linguistics: Articles and Review Articles (in chronological order -- so most recent are at the end)

[Note: Publications on deaf advocacy or deaf literacy  -- in medical and legal journals and elsewhere -- are numbers 56, 57, 62, 66-68, 74, 75, 78, 80, 81-84, 86-88, 90, 94, 97, 101, 106, 110.]

  1. The no-crossing filter, Papers from the Tenth Regional Meeting: Chicago Linguistic Society, Michael W. La Galy et al., eds. (Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, 1974): 482-491. [pdf]
  2. In chaos or inchoative?: An analysis of inchoatives in modern standard Italian, Linguistic studies in Romance languages,  Joe Campbell et al., eds. (Washington, DC: Georgetown .U. Press, 1974): 219-236. [pdf]
  3. Una breve analisi dei verbi modali potere e dovere, Fenomeni morfologici e sintattici nell'italiano contemporaneo, Mario Medici and Antonella Sangregorio, eds. (Rome: Bulzoni, 1974): 233-240. [pdf]
  4. Consistency, Language 51, 4 (1975): 831-844. [pdf]
  5. A global agreement phenomenon, Linguistic Inquiry VI, 3 (1975): 413-435. [pdf]
  6. A note on synalepha and stress maxima, Poetics (1975): 401-410.[pdf]
  7. Negatives in comparatives, Language 52, 4 (1976): 811-838. (with Marina Nespor). An earlier version appears as: “Superfically illogical ‘non’: negatives in comparatives,” in Studies in Romance Linguistics, M. P. Hagiwara, ed. (Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 1977): 61-95. [pdf]
    A translation of the later version appears as “Negazioni nelle comparative,”[pdf] in La grammatica: aspetti teorici e didattici, Federico Albano Leoni and M. Rosaria Pigliasco, eds. (Rome: Bulzoni,1979): 367-400.
  8. Infinitival relatives in Italian<, Current studies in Romance linguistics, Marta Lujan and Fritz Hensey, eds. (Washington, DC:  Georgetown U. Press, 1976): 300-29. [pdf]
  9. At least two si’s, Italian Linguistics 2 (1976): 123-48. [pdf]
  10. Variations on relative clauses in Italian, Studies in language variation, Ralph W. Fasold and Roger W. Shuy, eds. (Washington, DC: Georgetown U. Press, 1977): 37-50. [pdf]
  11. A look at some adverbs and prepositions in Italian: Evidence for syntactic analogy, Montreal working papers in linguistics 10. (Montreal: McGill U., 1978): 191-218. [pdf]
  12. Definites in ‘there’ sentences, Language 54, 2 (978): 300-13. (with Emily Rando). [pdf]
  13. The metrics of Italian nursery rhymes, Language and Style XI, l (1978): 40-58. [pdf]
  14. On the progress of women in linguistics, National Council of Administrative Women in Education News. (Arlington, VA: NCAWE, 1978). [pdf]
  15. Reflexivization across clause boundaries in Italian, Journal of Linguistics 15, l (1979): 1-28. [pdf]
  16. Modal da with avere, Journal of Italian Linguistics l (1979): 203-28. (with Vincenzo Lo Cascio). [pdf]
  17. The syntax of word-initial consonant gemination in Italian, Language 55, 4 (1979): 812-41. (with Marina Nespor). [pdf]
  18. Subject pronouns: The pronominal system of Italian versus French, Papers from the Seventeenth Regional Meeting: Chicago Linguistic Society, A. Hendrick et al., eds. (Chicago:CLS, 1981): 249-276. [PDF}
  19. Semantic interpretation vs. lexical governance: Clitic climbing in Italian, Language 57, 4 (1981): 841-887. [pdf]
  20. Initial material deletion in English, Glossa:An International Journal of Linguistics 16, 1(1982):85-111. [pdf]
  21. Comparative rather, Journal of Linguistics 18, 1. (1982): 137-165. with Thomas Dieterich). [pdf]
  22. Review Article of Binding and Filtering, Frank Heny, ed. (Cambridge, MA: M.I.T Press, 1981) in Language 59, 2 (1983): 360-372.  [pdf]
  23. Missing complement sentences in English: A base analysis of null complement anaphora, Linguistic Analysis 12,1 (1983): 1-28. [pdf]
  24. Comparative ellipsis: A phrase structure analysis, Linguistic Inquiry 14, 4 (1983): 675-94. [pdf]
  25. Review Article of Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Symposium on Romance Linguistics, Heles Contreras and Jurgen Klausenburger, eds., published as Papers in Romance, supplement II, vol. 3. (Seattle: U. of Washington, l981) in Romance Philology XXXVIII, 1 1984): 72-83. [pdf]
  26. Complementaton in Italian: Phonetically null vs. totally absent complements, Language 61, 1 (1985): 73-94. [pdf]
  27. Verb phrase deletion in English: A base generated analysis, Journal of Linguistics 21, 2 (1985): 281-319. [pdf]
  28. Comparative structures in Italian, Language 62, 3 (1986): 622-53. (with Marina Nespor). [pdf]
  29. Inflected prepositions in Italian, Phonology Yearbook 4 (1987): 195-209. (with Joel Nevis). [pdf]
  30. Stress in second conjugation infinitives in Italian, Italica 64, 3 (1987): 477-98. (with Stuart Davis and Linda Manganaro). [pdf]
  31. A correspondence rule in Robert Frost’s poetry and its significance for metrical theory, Language and Style 20, 4 (1987): 371-383. [pdf]
  32. On predication and identity within NPs, Advances in Romance Linguistics: Papers of the 16th    Symposium in 1986, David Birdsong and Jean-Pierre Montreuil, eds. (Dordrecht: Foris, 1988): 289-318. [pdf]
  33. Subjects and external arguments/clauses and non-clauses, Linguistics and Philosophy 11 (1988): 323-354. [pdf]
  34. Review Article on Italian syntax by Luigi Burzio (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1986) in Language 64, 1 (1988): 130-142. [pdf]
  35. A metrical grid analysis of Chinese regulated verse, Penn Review of Linguistics 13 (1989): 23-37. [pdf]
  36. What is wrong and what is right about i-within-i, CLS 25 (1989): 315-327. (with Jack Hoeksema). [pdf]
  37. The destiny of Latin second conjugation infinitives in Romance, Probus 2, 2 (1990): 125-168. (with Stuart Davis). [pdf]
  38. A condition on circular chains: A restatement of i-within-i, Journal of Linguistics 26 (1990): 403-424. (with Jack Hoeksema). [pdf]
  39. The conjugations of Italian, Italica 67, 4 (1990): 479-502. (with Irene Vogel). [pdf]
  40. Phonetics and phonology: An extended syllabus prepared for the New Liberal Arts (1990). A 29 page description of how we teach phonetics and phonology at Swarthmore College, with explanations of how and why one might want to teach both articulatory and acoustic phonetics and descriptions of the use of the phonetics lab.  It’s circulated by the New Liberal Arts Program of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation through SUNY at Stony Brook, NY as part of their effort to bring technology into courses that attract humanities students. [pdf]
  41. The tonal system of Chinese regulated verse, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 19 (1991): 243-293. reprinted with slight revisions in Annali Lettere II, 2 (Università di Ferrara, Italy, 2007) [pdf]
  42. Phonological factors of conjugation class shift in the Romance languages, Twenty- Fifth Anniversary Volume (Bloomington, IN: Indiana U. Linguistics Club, 1992): 1-12. (with Stuart Davis). [pdf]
  43. Secondary resultative predicates in Italian, Journal of Linguistics 28, 1 (1992): 53-90. [pdf]
  44. The double-object construction, domain asymmetries, and linear precedence, Linguistics 30 (1992): 837-871. [pdf]
  45. Paratactic and subordinative so, Journal of Linguistics 29 (1993): 291-314. (with Jack Hoeksema). [pdf]
  46. Resultatives, The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 7, R. E Asher and J.M. Simpson, eds. (United Kingdom: Pergamon Press and Aberdeen U. Press, 1994): 3562-3566. reprinted in Concise Encyclopedia of  Grammatical Categories (United Kingdom:  Elsevier Science, 1999). [pdf]
  47. The Verbal component in Italian compounds, Contemporary research in Romance linguistics: Papers from the LSRL XXII, Jon Amastae, Grant Goodall, Mario Montalbetti, and Marianne Phinney, eds. (Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995): 367-381. (with Irene Vogel). [pdf]
  48. Evaluative affixes in Italian, Yearbook of Morphology1994 (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995): 151-178. (with Bill Reynolds). [pdf]
  49. On root structure and the destiny of the Latin second conjugation, Folia Linguistica Historica XVI (1996): 97-113. (with Stuart Davis). [pdf]
  50. An OT account of Italian codas, Proceedings of ESCOL 1995, Marek  Przezdziecki and Lindsay Whaley, eds. (Ithaca: Cornell U. Press, 1996): 212-223. (with Naomi Nagy). [pdf]
  51. Hand en Mond: Tong en Nagel: Een Vergelijking van de Morfologische Mogelijkheden van ASL en Gesproken Talen, Taalkundig 2 26, 4 (1996): 213-231. (with Ted Fernald). [pdf]
  52. Exploitation of morphological possibilities in signed languages: Comparison of American Sign Language with English, Sign Language and Linguistics 3, 1 (2000): 3-58. (with Ted Fernald). [pdf]
  53. Morpheme structure constraints on two-handed signs in American Sign Language: Notions of symmetry, Sign Language and Linguistics 6, 2 (2003): 123-205. (with Jeff Wu). [pdf]
  54. Linguistics as a tool in teaching fiction writing, Language in the schools, Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, eds. (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005): 209-222. [pdf]
  55. Do animals use language?, The 5 minute linguist: Bite-sized essays on language and languages, Rick Rickerson and Barry Hilton, eds. (London: Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2006): 62-66. [pdf]
  56. Societal responsibility and linguistic rights: the case of deaf children, Journal of Research in Education 17 (2007): 41-53. (with Shannon Allen and Doreen DeLuca). [pdf]
  57. A bilingual approach to reading, Signs and voices: Deaf matters in language, arts, and identity, D. DeLuca, K. Lindgren, and D.J. Napoli, eds. (Washington, DC: Gallaudet U. Press, 2008): 150-159. (with Doreen DeLuca). [pdf]
  58. Energy and symmetry in language and yoga, Leonardo 41, 4 (2008): 333-338. (with Sally Hess). [pdf]
  59. Just for the hell of it: A comparison of two taboo-term constructions, Journal of Linguistics 44, 2 (2008): 347-378. (with Jack Hoeksema). [pdf]
  60. The grammatical versatility of taboo-terms, Studies in Language 33,3 (2009): 612-643. (with Jack Hoeksema). [pdf]
  61. Anthropomorphism in sign languages: A look at poetry and storytelling with a focus on British Sign Language, Sign Language Studies 10, 4 (2010): 442-475. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence). [pdf] (reprinted in German translation as Anthropomorphismus in Gebärdensprachen am Beispiel von Geschichten und Poesie: Eine Untersuchung mit dem Fokus auf Britischer Gebärdensprache, Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser 90 (2012): 140-159). [pdf].
  62. Infants and children with hearing loss need early language access, Journal of Clinical Ethics 21, 2 (2010): 143-154, (with Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Christopher J. Moreland, Wendy Osterling, Carol Padden, and Christian Rathmann). [pdf]
  63. Limitations on simultaneity in sign language, Language 86, 3 (2010): 647-662. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence). [pdf]
  64. Sign language humor, human singularities, and the origins of language, Deaf around the world: The impact of language, G. Mathur and D.J. Napoli, eds. (Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 2010): 231- 250. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence). [pdf]
  65. Why go around the Deaf world, Deaf around the world: The impact of language, G. Mathur and D.J. Napoli, eds. (Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 2010): 3-15. (with Gaurav Mathur). [pdf]
  66. Language needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing infants and children: Information for spiritual leaders and communities, Journal of Religion, Disability & Health 15, 3 (2011): 272-295. (with Teresa Blankmeyer Burke, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Christian Rathmann, and Kirk VanGilder). [pdf]
  67. Language acquisition for deaf children: Reducing the harms of zero tolerance to the use of alternative approaches, Harm Reduction Journal 9: 16 (2012). (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith). [pdf] Available at:
  68. Cochlear implants and the right to language: Ethical considerations, ideal situation, and practical measures toward reaching the ideal, Cochlear Implant Research Updates, C. Umat and R. A. Tange, eds. InTech (2012, ISBN 978-953-51-0582-4) (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith). [pdf]
  69. Do animals use language?, The 5 minute linguist: Bite-sized essays on language and languages, 2nd edition (revised article). Rick Rickerson and Barry Hilton, eds. (London: Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2012, 72-76. [pdf]
  70. Taboo expressions in American Sign Language, Linqua 122 (2012) 1004-1020. (with Gene Mirus and Jami Fisher). [pdf] For the appendix and illustrations [pdf]
  71. Deaf jokes and sign language humor, HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 25, 3 (2012): 311-337. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence). [pdf]
  72. Bleached taboo-term predicates in American Sign Language, Linqua 123 (2013) 148-167. (with Gene Mirus and Jami Fisher). [pdf]
  73. How much can classifiers be analogous to their referents?  Gesture 13, 1(2013): 1-27. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence).[pdf]
  74. The right to Language, Law, Medicine & Ethics 41, 4(2013): 872-884. (with Tom Humphries, Raja Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith).[pdf]
  75. Bilingualism: A pearl to overcome certain perils of cochlear implants, Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology 21, 2 (2014): 107-125 (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith).[pdf]
  76. A drive for articulatory ease in spoken and sign languages.  Language 90, 2 (2014): 424-456  (with Nathan Sanders and Becky Wright) [pdf]
  77. Order of the major constituents in sign languages; Implications for all language, Language by Mouth and by Hand. Iris Berent and Susan Goldin-Meadow, eds.  (Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences) (2014) (with Rachel Sutton-Spence). [pdf]
  78. Ensuring language acquisition for deaf children: What linguists can do. Language 90, 2 (2014):e31-e52. (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, and Christian Rathmann). [pdf]
    German translation [pdf]
  79. A Magic Touch: Deaf Gain and the benefits of tactile sensation, Deaf Gain: Re-imagining human diversity.  H-Dirksen Bauman and Joseph Murray, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) (2014) [prepublication pdf].
  80. What medical education can do to ensure robust language development in deaf children, Medical Science Educator (published online October 2014 (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Robert Pollard, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith). [pdf]
  81. Ethics Rounds: Should All Deaf Children Learn Sign Language? Pediatrics (published online 15 June 2015) (with Nancy Mellon, John Niparko, Christian Rathmann, Gaurav Mathur, Tom Humphries, Theresa Handley, Sascha Scrambler, and John Lantos) [prepub pdf]
  82. Shared reading activities: A recommendation for deaf children. Global Journal of Special Education and Services (published online 31 July 2015).(with Gene Mirus) [pdf]
  83. Fun and language interaction: Bilingual-bimodal ebooks. Presented at ICED 2015, Athens, Greece. Published in ICED Proceedings, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education [pdf]
  84. Language choices for deaf infants: Advice for parents regarding sign languages. Clinical Pediatrics (2015).(with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith) doi: 10.1177/0009922815616891 [prepub version pdf]
  85. Reactive effort as a factor that shapes sign language lexicons. Language 92, 2 (2016): 275-297 (with Nathan Sanders).   An abridged version appears as Signs of efficiency: Maintaining torso stability affects sign language vocabulary. Natural History (October, 2016):28-33 [prepub version with small stylistic errors].
  86. RISE eBooks: Leveraging off-the-shelf software components in support of deaf literacy. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, vol. 9758 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2016): 389-396  (with Riley Collins and Gene Mirus). pdf
  87. Fun bilingual-bimodal ebooks for deaf children: Developing language and preliteracy skills. Revista Sinalizar 1.2 (2016): 152-178. (with Gene Mirus) (available: pdf
  88. Avoiding linguistic neglect of deaf children. Social Service Review 90.4 (2016): 589-619. (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith).[prepub version]
  89. A cross-linguistic preference for torso stability in the lexicon: Evidence from 24 sign languages.  Sign Language & Linguistics 19.2 (2016):197–231 (with Nathan Sanders). [prepub version]
  90. Discourses of prejudice in the professions: The case of sign languages. Journal of Medical Ethics  March 2017. (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith). [prepub version]
  91. Iconicity chains in sign languages, On looking into words (and beyond), Clarie Bowern, Laurence Horn, and Raffaella Zanuttini, eds. (Berlin: Language Science Press, 2017): 517-546 [prepub version]
  92. Suggestions for a parametric typology of dance.  Leonardo 50.5 (October 2017) (with Lisa Kraus). [prepub article].
  93. Influence of predicate sense on word order in sign languages: Intensional and extensional verbs. Language 93.3 (2017): 641-670 (with Rachel Sutton-Spence and Ronice Quadros de Müller) [prepub article]
  94. Re: Methodological concerns suspend interpretations, Pediatrics 140, 5 (2017) (with Amber Martin and Scott Smith) [prepub article]
  95. Sticky: Taboo topics in deaf communities.  The Oxford handbook of taboo words and language, Keith Allen, ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019): Chapter 8, 160-179. (with Jami Fisher and Gene Mirus). [prepub article]
  96. Developing language and preliteracy skills in deaf preschoolers through shared reading activities with ebooks. Journal of Multilingual Education Research (forthcoming) (with Gene Mirus) [prepub uncorrected article]
  97. Morphological theory and sign languages.  The Oxford handbook of morphological theory, Jenny Audring and Francesca Masini, eds. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018): Chapter 30, 594-613. [prepub uncorrected article]
  98. Support for parents of deaf children: common questions and informed, evidence-based answers. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 118, 134-142 (2019) (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, Christian Rathmann, and Scott Smith) [pdf]
  99. Degree resultatives as second-order constructions. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 31, 3, 210-282 (2019) (with Jack Hoeksema) [prepub uncorrected article]
  100. Do animals use language? The 5 minute linguist: Bite-sized essays on language and linguistics, 3rd edition (revised article). Carolyn Myrick and Walt Wolfram, eds. (London: Equinox, 2019): 58-64.
  101. Production, perception, and communicative goals of American newscaster speech. Language in Society (forthcoming in 2019) (with Emily Gasser, Byron Ahn, and ZL Zhou) [prepub uncorrected article]
  102. Limitations on effort reduction in articulation in sign languages and dance. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science (2019) (with Stephanie Liapis)
  103. Manual movement in sign languages: One hand versus two in communicating shapes.  Cognitive Science 43, 9: e12741 (2019) (with Casey Ferrrara)
  104. Italian-American literature: Respected?  In Simona Bertacco, Donna Jo Napoli, and Rachel Sutton-Spence (eds.), Disrespected literatures: Histories and reversal of linguistic oppression.  Issue 22 of Altre Modernità, 2019.
  105. Deaf children, humor and education policy.  Crianças surdas, humor e política educacional.  Revista de Educação Especial 32, 1-27 (2019) ISSN eletrônico: 1984-686X, doi: 10.5902/1984686X38114 (with Rachel Sutton-Spence)
  106. Deaf (Sub) lexical changes in iconic signs to realign with community sensibilities and experiences. Language in Society (2020) (with Gene Mirus and Jami Fisher) doi:10.1017/S0047404519000745. [prepub version
  107. Visuo-spatial construals that aid in understanding activity in visual-centered narrative, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience (2020) (with Lorraine Leeson) doi: 10.1080/23273798.2020.1744672 [pub version]

  108. The linguistic sources of offense of taboo terms in German Sign Language, Cognitive Linguistics  (2020) (with Cornelia Loos and Jens Michael Cramer) (editor's choice, so it is published with free access)

  109. Global regulatory review needed for cochlear implants: A call for FDA leadership. Maternal and Child Health Journal (2020). (with Tom Humphries, Poorna Kushalnagar, Gaurav Mathur, and Christian Rathmann) Published online 02 September 2020, p1-15.. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-020-03002-5.  You can read it online here (but this cannot be printed or downloaded):     [prepub version]
  110. Unveiling sign languages in the linguistic landscape: Representations of sign languages in nonsigning and signing milieu.  In Greg Niedt and Corinne A. Seals (eds), Linguistic landscapes beyond the language classroom (2020), pp. 39-58.  London: Bloomsbury. (with Jami Fisher and Gene Mirus) [prepub version]
  111. Correlations between handshape and movement in sign languages. Cognitive Science 45, 5, e12944 (2021). (with Casey Ferrara).  [open access]
  112. Expanding Echo: Coordinated head articulations as nonmanual enhancements in sign language phonology.  Cognitive Science 45, 5. e12958 (2021) (with Cornelia Loos) [ prepub uncorrected version]
  113. Clause-initial Vs in sign languages.  In Vera Lee-Schoenfeld and Dennis Ott (eds.) Parameters of predicate fronting. (2021), pp. 192-219. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [prepub uncorrected version]
  114. Stimuli for initiation: A comparison of dance and (sign) language. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science (2022). [prepub version]
  115. Senior theses: One way of doing them.  Language. 98(1), pp. e26-e43. (2022). (with Emily Gasser and Shizhe Huang) [prepub version]
  116. Alignment mouth demonstrations in sign languages.  Sign Language Studies 22, 3, 359-398. (2022) (with Ronice Quadros and Christian Rathmann). [prepub version]
  117. Deaf children need rich language input from the start: Support in advising parents. (with Tom Humphries, Gaurav Mathur, Carol Padden, and Christian Rathmann) Children 9, 11, 1609 (special issue "Pediatric Otolaryngology-Expert Reviews and Advances", section Global and Public Health) (2022) Open access:  
  118. Awake not sleeping: The power of storytelling to activate gender equality and respectful relationships in our minds, homes, and communities. (with Angela Walsh, Alia El-Yasir, Kalina Maleska, and Nadia Albert). Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies 36, 2, 287–308 (2022). [unedited prepublication version]
  119. Sign language and multimodality as indicators of health for deaf newborns and young children: Guidance for families and medical professionals. (with Tom Humphries, Gaurav Mathur, and Christian Rathmann) Medical Research Archives 11, 1, ISSN 2375-1924 (2023) Open Access:
  120. Social justice and language rights for deaf children. (with Tom Humphries, Gaurav Mathur, and Christian Rathmann). In Angharad E. Beckett and Anne-Marie Callus (eds.), The Routledge international handbook of children’s rights and disability. Chapter 30.537-554 Abingdon, UK: Routledge (2023)
  121. The nature of torso articulation in human expression: Signing and dancing.   (with Rachel Sutton-Spence) Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. [reading only, no download]
  122. Depicting translocating motion in sign languages.  (with Cornelia Loos) Sign Language Studies [unedited prepublication version, missing one type of example]
  123. Before their very eyes: Enhancing the (pre)literacy skills of deaf children. (with Melissa Curran and Gene Miru) Language (2024)  [unedited prepublication version]
  124. Perception of the prosodic features of newscaster speech (with Byron Ahn, Z.L. Zhou, and Emily Gasser). TABU Festschrift for Jack Hoeksema. University of Groningen Press, Netherlands. (2024) [unedited prepub version]
  125. Torso articulation in sign languages. (with Rachel Sutton-Spence) Sign Language & Linguistics (2024) [unedited prepublication version]
  126. Dialogare con le storie di Leo Lionni: una esperienza di lettura dialogica per la scuola d’infanzia. (2024) (with Arianna Bello, Francesca Moncalli, and Paola Perucchini). Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo. Società editrice il Mulino.
  127. An approach to path movement in the diachronic study of sign languages: Biomechanics and nonarbitrariness (with Nathan Sanders). Diachronica (2024) [nearly final version]
  128. An approach designed to fail deaf children and their parents and how to change it.  Harm Reduction Journal (2024)
  129. Expressive language in sign languages (with Rachel Sutton-Spence). Oxford handbook of expresssivity in language, ed. by Daniel Gutzmann. (forthcoming -- no draft available yet)

Publications in Linguistics: Reviews and Book Notices (if you want others, just ask)

Review of La sintassi dell’infinito in italiano moderno. 2  vols. Études romanes de l'Université de Copenhague [= Revue romane, suppl. 27], Gunver Skytte. (Copenhagen: Munksgaards Forlag, 1983), in Romance Philology XXXIX, 2  (1985): 249-250. [pdf]

Review of Introducing Sign Language Literature, Rachel Sutton-Spence and Michiko Kaneko (London: Palgrave, 2016), in Sign Language Studies, 17, 4 (2017): 516-519. [pre publication pdf]