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2015 Dorothy Ditter Gondos Contest Guidelines



The Comparative Literature Committee announces its annual competition for the Dorothy Ditter Gondos Award.  This award, offering prizes of $500 stipend (for first place) and $350 stipend (for second place), was bequeathed by Victor Gondos, Jr. in honor of his wife, Class of 1930. The award recognizes the student who submits the best original paper treating literature written in a foreign language. Student must seek advice from the program director before submission if the paper is written in a language that is not taught at the College. The competition is open to all students independent of major. Preference is given to essays based on works read in the original language.




Length of papers varies between 15 to 25 pages at most,  typewritten in Times New Roman, 12, double-spaced with 1 inch margins, proofread, with pages numbered (Bibliography and Endnotes may be additional).


Submission process:  


To be considered, eligible papers must be submitted in PDF form to  by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 2015.  Papers submitted should include an additional cover letter in the same attachment with the following information:


  • Paper title
  • Full name of the student (this name should not appear anywhere else on the paper)
  • Email address
  • Student status (class year)
  • Name and number of the class for which it was written (if applicable)




The winner will be selected by members of the Comparative Literature Committee and notified by email in early May.