Transportation / Parking / Severe Weather
Directions to the campus, maps, and mass-transit options are available at Visit Swarthmore.
Ride-hailing and taxi services
Uber and Lyft can be used to arrange transportation to campus from area hotels and the Philadelphia International Airport. County Cab of Philadelphia (610-622-8000) provides taxi service in the Swarthmore area.
Directions to parking lots may be found at Parking.
Six lots are available for Commencement parking and five for Baccalaureate. Uniformed personnel will direct you to available parking.
- Ben West - Stay in the right lane on Baltimore Pike, and in less than 1/4 mile, turn right onto PA Route 320 South. At the next traffic light, turn right to stay on Route 320/Chester Road. Proceed through the traffic light at College Avenue to the first driveway on your right, Benjamin West parking.
- This is the best lot for people with mobility issues as golf carts are available to transport people.
- Cunningham South and SEPTA Parking Lots - From Chester Road (320) south, go past the light at College Avenue. This lot is on your left, just before the SEPTA underpass. Available for Commencement only.
- Field House and West Field House Lots (South Campus) - From Chester Road (320 South), go past the light at College Avenue. Follow Chester Road down and through the SEPTA underpass. As you approach the circle at the top of the rise, bear to your right and turn right into the campus at the South Entry (Field House Lane). Staff will direct you to parking areas.
- Whittier and DuPont Parking Lots - From Chester Road (320) south: turn right at the light on College Avenue; turn right on Cedar Avenue; go one block, turn left on Elm Avenue, then turn left on Whittier Place. Lot is at the end of Whittier Place.
ADA spaces will be available in all parking areas, and there will be shuttles to the commencement location from all parking areas. Limited drop-off is available to the commencement and baccalaureate locations for patrons with mobility challenges who may be unable to use a golf cart.
- Springfield Mall (Rear Parking Lot Behind Macy's) -
- Shuttle beginning at 6:30am will run continuously for College employees and guests from the Springfield Mall to Parrish East/Rose Garden Circle
- SRS Lot - Elementary School
- Shuttle to Parrish East/Rose Garden Circle
- Fieldhouse & West Fieldhouse Lots:
- Shuttle will run from these lots to Parrish West.
- North Campus Lots: Dupont, Whittier & Water Tower lots
- Shuttle will run from these lots to Parrish East/Rose Garden Circle.
Severe Weather
In case of severe weather (e.g. lightning or strong wind gusts), we may decide to delay the ceremony (by two hours). Every effort will be made to hold the ceremony on Commencement Sunday. Delay will occur if conditions are deemed too hazardous to proceed outdoors. Should it be necessary to evacuate the lawn, please locate the nearest Garnet Banner, which is positioned at entry points to nearby buildings. College personnel will be available to assist and provide instructions. Additional information and details for severe weather planning will be made available on the College's website and the Guidebook app. Download the Guidebook app to receive up-to-the-minute notifications.