Hapax Legomenon 2016 Contents (continued)
How the Furies Got their Fury Back: Remythologizing the Matriarchy in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman by Emma King ‘16
Kanye West’s Transformation of the Myth of Icarus in “Wolves” by Mitch Maisel ‘16
Cacoyannis’ Electra: Un Film Noir du Grec by Emilio Garza ‘16
Male Visions of Arcadia: Virgil’s Eclogues in Gauguin, Cézanne, and Matisse by Zoë Wray ‘16
The Minotaur of London by Ravenna Thielstrom ‘16
Anti-Classicism in Blake’s Illustrations for Dante’s Inferno by Lizhu Duanmu ‘17
Venus of the Rags: Poverty, Power, and Reconciliation by Damien Ding ‘16
On Looking Back: What It Means to Have Loved and Lost (Again) by Xena Wang '19