Black Excellence Homepage Ambient Video
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Celebrating Black Excellence at Swarthmore College: Honoring Our Past, Imagining Our Futures

President Valerie Smith dedicated the 2019-20 academic year to honoring and celebrating the contributions of Black Swarthmoreans, interrogating a complicated history, and marking significant anniversaries. Learn more.
Photographer, Art Professor Ron Tarver Brings Black Cowboys into Focus with New Book
Category: Faculty Spotlight -
The Unbroken Circle: Swarthmore College’s Alumni Gospel Choir Remembers, Joins in Joyous Song
In Honor of Civil Rights Scholar Christopher Edley Jr. ’73, H’99
Category: In Memoriam
Upcoming Events
The Black Liberation 1969 Archive chronicles the history of the Black student protest movement at Swarthmore College.
Discover Black Excellence
Visions of Black Excellence

Deondre Jordan '19 - Meet Swarthmore
The more you reach into Swarthmore and take all it has to offer, the more it will reach back to touch and transform your life.

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