Additional Offices & Services
Business Office - Provides budgeting and accounting services to the campus community.
Budget Office - Works to ensure the College’s fiscal sustainability through the equitable allocation of resources visible through the Operating Budget.
Career Services - Helps students find internships, externships, and other employment opportunities during their time at Swarthmore and beyond.
Center for Innovation & Leadership - provides opportunities for Swarthmore students to develop the abilities to lead, inspire, listen, and learn in ways that reflect the values of our community and promote ethical leadership and creativity invested in the public good.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - Promotes students’ well-being within a safe and confidential environment through a range of psychological support and consultation services.
Finance and Investment Offices - Oversee the financial responsibilities of the College, which include the budget, financial planning, endowment and debt management, and stewardship of financial resources.
General Counsel - Manages the general legal affairs and evaluates and monitors institutional risks of the College.
Inn at Swarthmore - Offers 40 guestrooms and suites, a 24-hour front desk, The Broad Table Tavern, private dining, and flexible meeting space to accommodate your group or social event needs.
Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Assessment - Conducts research to support planning and decision making across campus.
Learning for Life (L4L) - A voluntary mutual learning program composed of student-staff-faculty partnerships. Partners design their own learning projects that reflect their interests and expertise, and often result in lasting friendships.
Libraries play a vital role in engaging our community and encouraging learning in and outside of the classroom. McCabe Library focuses on humanities and social sciences and houses our Special Collections. Other campus libraries include Cornell Science Library and the Underhill Music and Dance Library, and collections in the Black Cultural Center and Beit Midrash.
Print Services - provides high-volume photocopy services for faculty, staff, budgeted organizations and the Swarthmore Community.
Provost’s Office - Provides the opportunities, infrastructure, and resources that encourage faculty and other scholars to pursue their finest work.
Purchasing Office - Develops purchasing policies and procedures, providing tools to enable the best value purchase of goods and services, and assuring that we comply with applicable federal and industry standards.
Staff Advisory Council - Serves in an advisory capacity to the President and the Vice President of Human Resources.
Title IX Office - Provides resources and reporting options to students, faculty, and staff to address concerns related to sexual harassment and sexual violence prohibited by Title IX and College policy, and works to prevent its occurrence through training and education.
Transportation - Shuttle vans provide service around campus and to nearby Chester, Media, local retail, and Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges.