Royal MemoriesThe story about May Queens in the summer 2019 Bulletin (“Crowning Glory”) brought back memories. I was a member of Swarthmore’s faculty from 1957 to 1961, and in the spring of 1960, my daughter Melissa, then 5 years old, participated in the May Queen celebration by carrying the crown. Melissa earned an engineering degree from Montana State University, where I was a faculty member and administrator, and later received an MBA from the University of New Mexico. For many years, she was a staff member in Hewlett-Packard’s research and development operation. When she retired, her name was on 40 patents. —IRVING E. DAYTON ’48, Corvallis, Ore.
FeaturesFast TrackFall 2019Via road, rail, sky, and space, Swarthmoreans in transportation move society forward…
Behind the BookA Musical Inheritance Fall 2019In The Nightingale’s Sonata, Thomas Wolf ’68 explores the musical and familial legacy of his grandmother Lea Luboshutz…