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Special 'K'

 I am a rising senior double majoring in classical studies and studio art as well as an intern at the List Gallery. 

My boss and mentor, Andrea Packard ’85, showed me “To Her, With Love” (summer 2018) and encouraged me to add my own tribute, as I have much to say about Kaori Kitao.

I first became acquainted with her when Andrea encouraged us to write and thank Kaori for her generous endowments toward the internship program. Kaori emailed me back, we chatted back and forth, and she invited me to meet her if I ever came up to New York.

This summer, I had the fortune and honor to spend a day with Kaori. She graciously took time to show me her favorite works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I wish I could have had her as a professor—hearing her speak with such passion is one of the most enlightening experiences I’ve ever had.

Over lunch, she talked more about her life and hobbies, giving me the firsthand opportunity to learn more about this incredible character. When she told me that she was so happy someone like me was the recipient of her internship, I was so touched.

I plan to continue giving my all in this next year of my List Gallery internship: for myself, Andrea, the Gallery, and of course, Kaori.

—XENA WANG ’19, Harleysville, Pa.