A Farewell to Dharm ...Fall 2015 / Issue I / CXIIIGreat teacher, lifelong friend, and mentor, Dr. Gunapala Dharmasiri, died in May. SectionWeb Exclusives
ImagINe All the People …Spring 2015Project enriches campus community through photography and personal narratives. SectionWeb Exclusives
It Takes a MarginSpring 2015Jesse Marshall ’11 co-founded and directs Margination, the Troy, N.Y.–based nonprofit maximizing opportunities for struggling community members. SectionWeb Exclusives
Manuscript ImmersionSpring 2015Virtual externship yields practical, enriching results SectionWeb Exclusives
Where Music is Both Food and Labor of LoveWinter 2015Clarinetist Steve Bloom ’62’s music now resides in the Bagaduce Music Lending Library SectionWeb Exclusives
Remembering Swarthmore's 'Halcyon days'Winter 2015Former Swarthmore Vice President Ken Landis '48 reflects on the college during (and after) wartime. Gallery SectionWeb Exclusives
Fall 2014—Captioned!Winter 2015We received the following submissions to our fall request for cartoon captions. SectionWeb Exclusives
The Dog Days of NovemberWinter 2015Few things can reduce the typical stresses of college life like the wagging tail and friendly face of a dog. SectionWeb Exclusives
The Rhythm of LifeWinter 2015Isaac Akrong contends that we can all walk to the eternal rhythms of life. His electrifying stage presence and infectious smile illustrate this conviction. SectionWeb Exclusives
Setting SailFall 2014Bob ’65 and Jonah Eaton ’02’s dreamboat finally sails off into the sunset ... Video SectionWeb Exclusives