1882 The Phoenix Founded

Inspired by the rebuilding of Parrish Hall, Swarthmore's new student newspaper choose as its patron the mythical bird known to rise from the flames. The Phoenix announced itself this way:
"[W]ith a feeling of fear and hope do we now for the first time present to the eyes of a critical public this humble attempt in the way of journalism ... when time has brought its experiences, and faults their corrections, we fondly hope to see The Phoenix what we wish it to be - a paper devoted to the best interests of our College, of our fellow-students, and an advocate of truth and independence."
With an early staff that often numbered fewer than 10, The Phoenix was first published monthly, then moved to a bi-weekly schedule in 1894; it is now published weekly with a paid staff of more than 40 editors, reporters, and columnists. The Phoenix first appeared online in September 1995. Read the latest issue.