Spring 2025
ANTH 001. Foundations: Culture, Power, and Meaning
- 1 credit.
- Nadkarni.
ANTH 044. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
(Cross-listed as PEAC 043)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for PEAC, GSST, INTP, GLBL- Core, ESCH
- Atshan.
ANTH 049B. Comparative Perspectives on the Body
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST, INTP, ESCH, GLBL-Core
- Ghannam.
ANTH 079B. Dancing Desire in Bollywood Films
(Cross-listed as DANC 079)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ASIA, FMST, GSST
- Chakravorty.
ANTH 133. Anthropology of Biomedicine
- 2 credits.
- Eligible for GLBL-core
- Schuetze.
SOAN 007C. Distinguishing Difference: Music, Memory, and Jamaican Marronage
(Cross-listed as MUSI 007C)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST
- Stewart.
SOAN 026. The Sociolinguistics of Creole Languages.
(Cross-listed as LING 026)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for Eligible for AFST at BMC and HAV, BLST, ESCH, GLBL, LALS
- Fuller Medina.
SOAN 097. Senior Research Project (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 180S. Honors Thesis (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOCI 016B. Research Methods in Social Science (M)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST.
- Suya.
SOCI 025B. Transforming Intractable Conflict
(Cross-listed as PEAC 025B)
- 1 credit.
- Wilson-Becerril.
SOCI 035D. Capitalism and Migration
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ESCH, LALS, GLBL-core
- Rangel.
Fall 2025
ANTH 001. Foundations: Culture, Power, and Meaning
- 1 credit.
- Azuero-Quijano.
ANTH 002D. First-Year Seminar: Culture and Gender
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST
- Nadkarni.
ANTH 012C. Anthropology of Childhood and the Family
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST
- Nadkarni.
ANTH 023C. Anthropological Perspectives on Conservation
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST, ENVS, GLBL- core
- Schuetze.
ANTH 037D. Engaging the Law
- 1 credit.
- Azuero-Quijano.
ANTH 043E. Culture, Health, Illness
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, GLBL - Core
- Schuetze.
ANTH 114. Global Health and Conflict
(Cross-list as PEAC 113)
- 2 credits.
- Eligible for PEAC
- Atshan.
SOAN 035. Environmental Justice: Ethnography, Politics, Action
(Cross-listed as ENVS 035)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, PEAC, GLBL-core
- Di Chiro.
SOAN 040B. Sociolinguistics: Language, Culture and Society
(Cross-listed as LING 025)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ESCH.
- Staff.
SOAN 096. Senior Research Project
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 098. Senior Research Project Master Class
- 0 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 180F. Honors Thesis
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOCI 006D. First Year Seminar: Social Class and the College Experience
- 1 credit.
- Laurison.
SOCI 007B. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in the United States
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST, ESCH
- Veras.
SOCI 016B. Research Methods in Social Science (M)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST.
- Suya..
SOCI 026B. Class Matters: Politics, Privilege and Poverty in the US
- 1 credit.
- Laurison.
SOCI 035E. Immigration, Race, and the Law
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for LALS
- Rangel.
SOCI 036F. Gender, Race, and Family: Experiences of Asian Americans
(Cross-listed with ASAM 036F)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ASAM
- Suya.
SOCI 045C. Sociology of Capitalism
- 1 credit.
- Rangel.
SOCI 058B. Black Feminisms
(Cross listed as BLST 058C)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST, GSST
- Johnson, Foy.
Spring 2026
ANTH 003G. First-Year Seminar: Development and its Discontents
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST, ENVS, PEAC, ESCH, GLBL - Core
- Schuetze.
ANTH 027B. Digital Ethnography (M)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ESCH, FMST
- Azuero-Quijano.
ANTH 042D. Political Anthropology
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ESCH
- Nadkarni.
ANTH 044. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
(Cross-listed as PEAC 043)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for PEAC, GSST, INTP, GLBL- Core, ESCH
- Atshan.
ANTH 057C. Interrogating Forensic Power: Philadelphia and the MOVE Massacre
- 1 credit.
- Azuero-Quijano.
- SOAN 020M. Race, Gender, Class and Environment
SOAN 097. Senior Research Project (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 180S. Honors Thesis (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOCI 001. Foundations: Self, Culture, and Society
- 1 credit.
- Veras.
SOCI 016E. Marriage and Family
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST
- Suya.
SOCI 025B. Transforming Intractable Conflict
(Cross-listed as PEAC 025B)
- 1 credit.
- Smithey.
SOCI 036E. Gender, Family, and Work in East Asia
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ASIA, GSST
- Suya.
SOCI 058C. Manufacturing Scarcity: The Housing Crisis in American Cities and the People's Fight for A Home
- 1 credit
- Eligible for ESCH
- Johnson.
SOCI 109. Bourdieu, Social Class, and Politics
- 2 credits.
- Laurison.
SOCI 125. Race, Class, and The Political Economy of Racial Capitalism
- 1 credit.
- Rangel.
Fall 2026
ANTH 002D. First-Year Seminar: Culture and Gender
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST
- Nadkarni.
ANTH 039C. Food and Culture
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GLBL- core
- Ghannam.
ANTH 122. Urban Ethnographies (M)
- 2 credits.
- Eligible for GLBL-core
- Ghannam.
SOAN 096. Senior Research Project
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 098. Senior Research Project Master Class
- 0 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 180F. Honors Thesis
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOCI 001. Foundations: Self, Culture, and Society
- 1 credit.
- Veras.
SOCI 006C. First-Year Seminar:The Working Class and the Politics of Whiteness (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for PEAC
- Laurison.
SOCI 020C. Global Colorism
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST, GLBL-paired, LALS
- Veras.
SOCI 036F. Gender, Race, and Family: Experiences of Asian Americans
(Cross-listed with ASAM 036F)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for ASAM
- Suya.
SOCI 046B. Social Science Survey Design, Analysis, and Visualization (M)
- 1 credit.
- Laurison.
Spring 2027
ANTH 001. Foundations: Culture, Power, and Meaning
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
ANTH 049B. Comparative Perspectives on the Body
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST, INTP, ESCH, GLBL-Core
- Ghannam.
SOAN 097. Senior Research Project (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOAN 180S. Honors Thesis (W)
- Writing course.
- 1 credit.
- Staff.
SOCI 005C. FYS: Blackness in the Crosshairs: Living (and dying) in an Anti-Black World
(Cross-listed as BLST 010)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST
- Veras.
SOCI 016B. Research Methods in Social Science (M)
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST.
- Suya.
SOCI 016E. Marriage and Family
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for GSST
- Suya.
SOCI 020D. Race in Latin America and the Caribbean
- 1 credit.
- Eligible for BLST, LALS
- Veras.
SOCI 026B. Class Matters: Politics, Privilege and Poverty in the US
- 1 credit.
- Laurison.