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New college website proves too distracting, is replaced with 'new' design

Three months after debuting a new website, the College has decided to relaunch

The "new" website harks back to a simpler time, 20 years ago, when the site mainly highlighted the natural beauty of campus by drawing inspiration from the Arboretum.

"We found the new site to be too distracting, a sensory overload," says Scott R. Boretum, Y2K-preparedness specialist. "So we looked to our Quaker founders and asked ourselves, WWQFD? We think if they had been web designers, they would appreciate our turning over a new leaf and getting back to our simpler roots."

"I'm absolutely thrilled by the change," says Ken Tremendous '19, a special major in graphic design from Pawnee, Ind. "I was spending so much of my time on the redesigned website, reading the personal narratives and getting lost in the crisp, modern design. It really prevented me from writing my seminar papers, finishing graduate school applications, and spending time with my friends, who are definitely real people like me."

Other areas of campus are also reverting back to simpler times. ITS has begun reinstalling Apple IIs in the Media Center; the Provost's Office is bringing back a botany major; and the campus email system is being replaced by intermittent Morse code transmissions from the fire horn/moose.

For further information about this press release, please go to our online press release.


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