Robert Odenweller ’59
Robert Odenweller ’59 was awarded the Royal Philatelic Society London Crawford Medal and the Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand Collins Award for the book The Postage Stamps of New Zealand, 1855–1873—The Chalon Head Issues, in 2011. Uniquely, he was awarded both in 2005 for the book The Stamps and Postal History of Nineteenth Century Samoa. Odenweller received the world’s highest philatelic honor, signing the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists (RDP) in 1991. Other major awards include the Smithsonian Philatelic Achievement Award, the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award, the American Philatelic Society (APS) Luff Award, and both the FIP (Fédération Internationale de Philatélie) Research Medal and its Medal for Service. His exhibits have won both the APS Champion of Champions and the FIP Grand Prix d’Honneur. Odenweller has long been a special overseas representative for the Royal Philatelic Society London, is the society’s first and only Honorary Fellow from the United States, and is a member of the National Postal Museum Council of Philatelists. He edits the prestigious journal The Collectors Club Philatelist.