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8. Help a Student

Swarthmore’s Extern Program yields more than just a work experience. Thanks to an externship placement, Marty Spanninger ’76, now a producer, writer, and director for broadcast news and documentaries, palled up with the late actor Christopher Reeve.
As a theater major (offered at the time as a concentration in the Department of [...]

7. Keep Up the Good Works

The inspiration for Swarthmore Cares—an Atlanta Connection outreach program— emerged from a strategic planning conversation about alumni engagement that Atlanta Swarthmoreans had with Alumni Council member Amy Lansky Knowlton ’87 last January.
An alumnus’s interest in seeing the Atlanta Connection do something as a group sparked interest in volunteering. “We decided on community service—something that [...]

6. Feed Old Passions

Acclaimed singer Vaneese Thomas ’74 has come a long way since 1970, her freshman year at Swarthmore, where she says she had a “miserable” time dealing with the racial polarity on campus as well as the College’s legendary academic rigor. Her campus experience was saved, however, by singing.
Yet, according to Thomas, neither [...]

5. Identify

For Matt Armstead ’08, being openly gay at college was not such a big deal. He was active in the Swarthmore Queer Union (SQU) throughout his four years at the College. Now, in addition to his work as director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered (LGBT) Center at Princeton, Armstead reaches [...]

4. Go Online

When Deborah How ’89 joined the Alumni Council last year, she wanted a specific project. A professional pianist and teacher in Los Angeles who coaches “competitive piano,” How knows how important it is to have a wide network of professional connections in the music world, so she used her personal Facebook page [...]

3. Get Down to Business

The idea for a Swarthmore business group in the San Francisco Bay Area took root in fall 2009 during the depths of the recession. In January 2010, more than 75 Swarthmoreans attended its inaugural event at the San Francisco Friends School. Swarthmore College Bay Area Alumni in Business (BAAB) piggybacked its opening meeting on [...]

2. Hit the Books

For 15 years, using the academic year for a calendar and a Swarthmore professor as their guide, alumni in the Washington, D.C., area have come together over books. This year’s theme is “Memoirs of Africa,” with a reading list compiled by Professor of History Timothy Burke, who will visit Washington three times [...]

1. Be True to Your Class

This year, as most ’83ers turn 50, many have added a new shared experience to their cache of Swarthmore memories. Beginning with a 50th birthday party in the Washington, D.C., area, groups of classmates have been celebrating the half-century mark.
Regina Hanlon Barletta proposed the first 50th birthday celebration and, from her home in Pennsylvania, sent [...]

Mindful Eating Practices

• Eat until you are two-thirds full, then take a drink and rest a bit.
• Eat slowly, savoring each bite. Find ways of pausing as you eat, such as putting down your fork or spoon between bites.
• Chew your food thoroughly. This not only allows you to derive more pleasure from the textures and flavors, [...]

Chart: Lang Opportunity Scholarships

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