Recent Events
Faculty on the Road

Members of the Triangle Area chapter of Connections enjoyed a tour of Duke’s Nasher Museum. Photo courtesy of George Telford ’84
December and January brought many opportunities for alumni to engage with Swarthmore faculty members. In London, Michael Cothren (art history) discussed teaching art history in an age of globalism, Ken Sharpe (political science) spoke with alumni in Tucson and Denver about practical wisdom; and, in San Francisco, Carol Nackenoff (political science) interpreted the recent presidential election. In Los Angeles, Nackenoff was joined by Michael Dukakis ’55 in that discussion.
Extern Week
Extern Week is an annual highlight of January, when more than 200 students are matched by Career Services in a job-shadowing and homestay program with alumni. During that week, the Alumni Relations office organized well-attended city receptions in San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington, D.C.
We thank reception hosts Donald McMinn ’86, James Gregory ’85, Peter ’60 and Barbara Offenhartz ’58, Marc Sonnenfeld ’68, and Sohail Bengali ’79. (For more on Extern Week, see Page 9.)
Triangle Area Connections
Alumni gathered at Duke University’s Nasher Museum in January for an informal tour of the magnificent collection of Matisse and modern masters.