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Horticultural Creativity Harvests Rewards



Claire Sawyers, the creative force behind the astonishing achievements of the Scott Arboretum in the last two decades, has received dual recognition for her work. The 2008 Zone V Horticulture Commendation from the Garden Club of America acknowledges Sawyers’s “dedication and excellence in furthering the education and enjoyment of people everywhere in the growing and displaying of plants.” The 2009 Professional Award from the American Horticultural Society’s Great American Gardens Awards Committee recognizes Sawyers as “a public garden administrator whose achievements during the course of her career have cultivated widespread interest in horticulture and made a difference in the landscape around us.”

"Claire has led the Scott Arboretum into a revitalized, and invigorated era,” says Alice Hamilton Farley, landscape architect and president of the Wissahickon (Pa.) Garden Club. “She has created a place where the average homeowner and beginning gardener can go and see a place of beauty and, also, come away with ideas that they can bring to their own gardens.”

—Susan Cousins Breen

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