Luther Lee Bernard


By Bernard (selected titles)

Bernard, L. L. 1909. "The Teaching of Sociology in the United States." American Journal of Sociology 15 (September): l2l3.

_____. 1919. "The Objective Viewpoint in Sociology." American Journal ofSociology 25 , ( November): 298-325.

_____. 1921. "The Misuse of Instinct in the Social Sciences." Psychological Review 28 ( March): 96119.

_____. 1923. "Instincts and the Psychoanalysts." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 17 (January-March): 345-55.

_____.1924. Instinct: A Study in Social Psychology. New York: Henry Holt.

_____. 1926a. "The Interdependence of Factors Basic to the Evolution of Culture." American Journal of Sociology 32 (September): 177-205.

_____. 1926b. An Introduction to Social Psychology. New York: Henry Holt. _____. 1928. "The Development of Methods in Sociology." Monist 38 (April): 292-320.

_____. 1930a. "Culture and Environment: The Continuity of Nature and Culture." Social Forces 9 (October): 398.

_____. 1930b. "Culture and Environment: The Unity of the Environment." Social Forces 8 (March): 327-34

_____. 1931. "The Psychological Foundations of Society." An Introduction to Sociology. Rev. ed., Jerome Davis and Harry Elmer Barnes, 39794. Boston: D. C. Heath.

_____.1933. "The Sources and Methods of Cultural and Folk Sociology." In The Fields and Methods of Sociology, ed. L. L.Bernard, 34465. New York: Farrar & Rinehart.

_____.1942. An Introduction to Sociology. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell.

About Bernard

Read Bain, ".L. L. Bernard: Sociological Theorist (1881-1951), "American Sociological Review, 16, No. 3. (Jun., 1951):. 285-297.

Bannister, Robert C. Sociology and Scientism (Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press, 1987).

_____."Luther Lee Bernard, "American National Biograpphy (Oxford University Press).

Brooks, Lee M. "Luther Lee Bernard." Sociology and Social Research 36 (1952): 215-19.

Odum, Howard. "Obituary [of L.L.Bernard]." Social Forces 29 (1951): 480-81.

Russell, Seth, " Luther Lee Bernard, 1881-1951," American Sociological Review, 16, No. 2. (Apr., 1951): pp. 262-263.