Liberal Intelligensia


Class #11. 2/24/98

The following is a list of names and dates of members of the "liberal intelligensia" discussed in Hollinger, "Ethnic Diversity," American Quarterly, 27 (May 1975). To highlight generational differences, the names are arranged in order by year of birth.
Weyl, Walter (1873-1919)
Cohen, Morris R. (1880-1947)
Frankfurther, Felix (1882-1965) GERMAN-JEWISH since 1848
Kallen, Horace (1882-1974) except Cohen
Oppenheim, James (1882-1932)
Bourne, Randolph (1886-1918)
Dell, Floyd (1887-1969) WASP "Young Intellectuals"
Frank, Waldo (1889-1965)
Lippmann, Walter (1889-1974) GERMAN-JEWISH since 1848
Rosenfeld, Paul (1890-1946)
Freeman, Joseph (1897-1965) EAST EUROPEAN JEW of "New Immigration"
Wilson, Edmund (1895-1972) WASP transmitter

Trilling, Lionel (1905-1975)
Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975) 2nd Generation" Jewish
Kazin, Alfred (1915-)
McDonald, Dwight (1906-1982)
Dupee, F.W.(1904-
Rahv, Philip (1908-1973) PARTISAN REVIEW
McCarthy, Mary (1912- )

Bell, Daniel (1919-) "3rd Generation"
Podoretz, Norman (1930-)