
I thank J. Cebra-Thomas and the Swarthmore College Biology Department for providing all the materials necessary for the experiment. I am also indebted to J. Cebra- Thomas, W. Gresh, and F. Tan for their valuable instructions and encouragement. Credit also goes to all the students in the Developmental Biology Wednesday lab section for providing assistance in collecting and sorting zebrafish embryos.

 Works Cited

Blader, P. and Strahle, U. 1998 “Ethanol Impairs Migration of Prechordal Plate in the Zebrafish Embryo.” Developmental Biology 201(2): 185-201.

Gilbert, Scott. 2003. Developmental Biology. 7th ed. Sinauer Associates: Sutherland, Massachusetts. pp. 345-354.

Sulik, K., Cook C., and Webster, W. 1988. “Teratogens and craniofacial malformations: relationships to cell death.” Developmental Biology 103: 213-232.

Thomas, J. C. 2001. Isolation of Zebrafish Embryos. Available from:


1. Effects of Ethanol on the Development of the Zebrafish, Danio rerio by Matt Larson & PZ Myers

- this website contains large amounts of pictures and video footages of zebrafish embryos exposed to ethanol.

2. Zebrafish as a model system by PZ Myers

- this website contains general information on zebrafish and zebrafish experiments. You can also find video footages of zebrafish embryos exposed to ethanol.


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© Cebra-Thomas, 2001
Last Modified: 10 May 2004

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