List of Views

Lower Level Floor Plan showing room numbers
Ground Level Floor Plan showing room numbers
Second Level Floor Plan showing room numbers
Third (Roof) Level Floor Plan

Additions as of May 23, 2001 (shadow lighting studies, new views in Science Commons)

Aerial View from Parrish Axis
Aerial View From Trotter Quad
View from Martin
View from Lang PAC
View from Kohlberg & Allee
View from corner of Hicks Hall
View from Hicks parking lot
View from Whittier Place (longer view; entire Science Center)
View from Whittier Place (closer view; Chemistry wing)
View from Kohlberg (3rd floor)
View from Beardsley (3rd floor)
View of New Cornell Entrance and Martin-Cornell Bridge Connector
View of Harry Wood looking at North Quad
View of Harry Wood looking East
View of Woods Clearing Garden looking East
View of Woods Clearing Garden looking West toward Crum Woods
View of Terrace and Bridge from Crum Woods
View of Chemistry Wing from Water Tower Parking Lot
Elevation of South-facing facade
Elevation of East-facing facade

Commons - internal view looking East
Commons - internal view looking West
Commons - internal view of ceiling (as if looking up)
Commons Floor Plan
Commons Section
Coffee Bar Floor Plan

classrooms and lecture halls

Site plan showing landscaping

Temporary home of Mathematics & Statistics at 3-5 Whittier Place

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Send message to the chair of the Science Project User's Group, Rachel Merz (

last updated 1/10/04
