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Reporting Concerns about Inappropriate Activities

Swarthmore College takes seriously its commitment to ensure a safe, ethical and lawful educational, living, and work environment. Our community places a high value on ethical behavior, individual responsibility, and personal integrity. As members of this community, we each have a responsibility to share concerns of inappropriate activity.

Inappropriate activity can range from being asked to engage in a clearly illegal or unethical activity, such as falsifying research data; misdirecting College funds or resources; or requiring an employee or student to do something that is clearly not related to their role at the college (such as babysitting your children on College time or in exchange for academic favors). Suspected violations of college policy should also be reported. Examples include, but are not limited to, falsifying college records (such as applications or time records), or violations of the college's policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct.

Anyone determined to have engaged in the type of conduct described above is subject to disciplinary action by the College up to and including dismissal or expulsion, and civil action or criminal prosecution when warranted. If you encounter or become aware of behavior that is inappropriate or unethical, there are several different ways for you to share your concerns. 

Whistleblower Hotline (External) (866) 292-7713  

If you do not feel comfortable with any of these options, the Swarthmore College Hotline - (866) 292-7713 - is another avenue you may choose. This toll-free line is available 24/7 and there will always be someone available to speak with you. The line is managed by an outside company that will listen to your concern and direct it to the appropriate college official for prompt and corrective action. You may remain anonymous or you may choose to identify yourself. Regardless of your decision, your information will be documented and addressed appropriately. 

Internal Contacts

  • Public Safety - For emergencies: (610) 328-8333 or other concerns: (610) 328-8281
  • Human Resources - (610) 328-8397
  • Dean of the College – (610) 328-8365
  • VP for Finance and Administration - (610) 328-8316
  • Provost - (610) 328-8319
  • any other supervisor, manager, or senior officer of the College
  • any member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Board of Managers,

Reporting discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct 

You must report allegations of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Other forms of discrimination or harassment should be reported to the College's Equal Opportunity Officer. Please see the Swarthmore College Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity for details on reporting discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. 

Bias Incident Reporting Form

The purpose of the Bias Response Protocol is to establish an understanding of how Swarthmore College defines a “bias incident” and to identify and describe how the College responds to reports of bias incidents, harassment and hate crimes.

Issues related to diversity and inclusion are multidimensional and complex. The Swarthmore community should expect that the definitions and procedures will continue to evolve. The College encourages active engagement by all community members in the ongoing conversations and efforts if we are to make real progress toward our goal of cultivating a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Shared responsibility is at the core of this goal. Learn More

Suspected Criminal Activity

Contact Public Safety directly to report suspicious or suspected criminal activity as well as emergencies that involve an immediate threat to person, property, or the College environment.

Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting

Swarthmore College strives to safeguard the well-being of minors visiting campus and/or participating in College-sponsored programs. The College’s Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Policy addresses the mandatory reporting obligations of all individuals who are employed by the College including staff, instructional staff members (including faculty), independent contractors, volunteers, or any individual who provides a program, activity, or service sponsored by the College, when child abuse is suspected.  This policy also describes what to report and details on how to make a report. To understand your obligations, read the full Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Policy.


Swarthmore prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith effort to appropriately disclose perceived wrongdoing and the College makes every effort to redress such situations. In all cases, members of the community should report their concerns when they feel they are being subjected to unethical, illegal, or unsafe activities or when they become aware of such activities going on at the College. 


The information and materials on this website is offered for informational purposes and is not legal advice. The office is available to assist the College community with College-related legal issues. The Office of General Counsel represents Swarthmore College only and cannot provide legal advice to students or employees of the College on individual and personal matters. If you have legal questions of an individual nature, please contact an attorney of your choosing, or seek an attorney referral from the Delaware County Bar Association, Philadelphia Bar Association, or the College's Employee Assistance Program, Carebridge (1-800-437-0911).