Peter Baumann, Professor

Office: Beardsley 212
Phone: 610.328.8433
Email: pbauman1 (at) swarthmore . edu
Ph.D., University of Göttingen.
A. Books
· Practical Conflicts. New Philosophical Essays, ed. with Monika Betzler, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004.
· Erkenntnistheorie (Epistemology), Stuttgart: Metzler 2002 (2.ed. 2006).
B. Articles
. "No Luck with Knowledge? On a Dogma of Epistemology", in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, forthcoming.
. "Knowledge and Dogmatism", in: The Philosophical Quarterly, forthcoming.
. "Knowledge, Practical Reasoning and Action", in: Logos & Episteme 3, 2012, 7-26.
· "Wams - Why Worry?", in: Philosophical Papers 40, 2011, 155-177.
· "A Puzzle about Responsibility“, in: Erkenntnis 74, 2011, 207-224.
· "Epistemic Closure“, in: Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Epistemology, London etc.: Routledge 2011, 597-608.
· "Empiricism, Stances, and the Problem of Voluntarism“, Synthese 178, 2011, 27-36.
· "Factivity and Contextualism“, Analysis 70, 2010, 82-89.
· "Disculpas“ (Apologies), in: Flor Emilce Cely & William Duica (eds.), Intersubjetividad. Ensayos filosóficos sobre autoconciencia, sujeto y acción (Intersubjectivity. Philosophical Essays on Self-Knowledge, Subject and Action), Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2009, 271-281.
· "Reliabilism – Modal, Probabilistic or Contextualist“, Grazer Philosophische Studien 79, 2009, 77-89.
· "Counting on Numbers“, Analysis 69, 2009, 446-448.
· "Was Moore a Moorean? On Moore and Scepticism“, European Journal of Philosophy 17, 2009, 181-200.
· (with Darrell P. Rowbottom) "To Thine Own Self Be Untrue: A Diagnosis of the Cable Guy“, Logique & Analyse 204, 2008, 355-363.
· "Contrastivism rather than Something Else? On the Limits of Epistemic Contrastivism“, Erkenntnis 69, 2008, 189-200.
· "Is Knowledge Safe?“, American Philosophical Quarterly 45, 2008, 19-31.
· "Contextualism and the Factivity Problem“, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76, 2008, 580-602.
· "Problems for Sinnott-Armstrong's Moral Contrastivism“, The Philosophical Quarterly 58, 2008, 463-470.
· "Single-case Probabilities and the Case of Monty Hall: Levy´s View“, Synthese 162, 2008, 265-273.
· "Persons, Human Beings, and Respect", Polish Journal of Philosophy 2, 2007, 5-17
· "Handlung, Absicht und Instrumentalität“ (Action, Intention, and Instrumentality), in: Christoph Hubig / Andreas Luckner / Nadia Mazouz (eds.), Handeln und Technik - mit und ohne Heidegger (Action and Technology -- with and without Heidegger), Berlin: Lit-Verlag 2007, 77-82.
· "Kant y el yo" (Kant and the Self), in: Felipe Castañeda, Vicente Durán & Luis Eduardo Hoyos (eds.), Immanuel Kant: vigencia de la filosofía crítica, Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores, 2007, 79-89.
· "Experiencing Things Together: What is the Problem?“, Erkenntnis 66, 2007, 9-26.
· "Information, Closure, and Knowledge: On Jäger's Objection to Dretske“, Erkenntnis 64. 2006, 403-408.
· "Kant's Two Perspectives on Property", in: Justyna Miklaszewska & Przemyslaw Sprysak (eds.), Kant and the Problem of the Contemporary World / Kant Wobec Problemów Wspólczesnego Swiata, Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press 2006, 121-128.
· "Varieties of Contextualism: Standards and Descriptions", Grazer Philosophische Studien 69, 2005 (Martijn Blaauw (ed.), Epistemological Contextualism), 229-245.
· "Three Doors, Two Players, and Single Case Probabilities", American Philosophical Quarterly 42, 2005, 71-79.
· "Theory Choice and the Intransitivity of Is A Better Theory Than", Philosophy of Science 72, 2005, 231-240.
· "Lotteries and Contexts“, Erkenntnis 61, 2004, 415-428.
· "Involvement and Detachment: A Paradox of Practical Reason", in: Peter Baumann and Monika Betzler (eds.), Practical Conflicts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004, 244-261.
· "Molyneux’s Questions", in: Ralph Schumacher (ed.), Perception and Reality, Paderborn: mentis 2004, 168-187.
· "On the Subtleties of Reidian Pragmatism: A Reply to Magnus“, The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 2, 2004, 73-77.
· "Coercion and the Varieties of Free Action “, Ideas y Valores 122, 2003, 31-49.
· "Intransitive Präferenzen und die Grenzen der Rationalitätstheorie“ (Intransitive Preferences and the Limits of Rational Choice Theory), in: Wolfram Hogrebe (ed.), Grenzen und Grenzüberschreitungen. XIX Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 23.-27. September 2002 in Bonn, Bonn: Sinclair 2002, 329-338.
· "Ist der Begriff des Wissens inkohärent?" (Is the Concept of Knowledge Incoherent?), Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 55, 2001, 104-111.
· "Epistemologische Aspekte von Kants Moralphilosophie" (Epistemological Aspects of Kant's Moral Philosophy), in: Volker Gerhardt/ Rolf-Peter Horstmann/ Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung. Akten des IX. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses , Berlin/ New York: de Gruyter 2001, 5 vols., vol. 3, 3-12.
· "The Scottish Pragmatist? The Dilemma of Common Sense and the Pragmatist Way Out", Reid Studies 2, 1999, 47-57.
· "Can Reliabilists Believe in Subjective Probability?", The Philosophical Quarterly, 48, 1998, 199-200.