Cathy Polinsky '99 Named Among "Most Powerful Women Engineers"

Business Insider: 23 of the most powerful engineers in the world
Business Insider recently rounded up 23 of the "most powerful women engineers" in the world. "The percentage of women holding technical jobs in corporate America is abysmally small," writes Julie Bort, "about 15 percent, and has been for years.” Despite the small numbers, Bort says many of the women "are killing it" in their professions.
Among them is Cathy Polinsky ‘99, number 10 on the list. Polinsky is the vice president of engineering for enterprise search at Salesforce, where she currently leads the company’s effort to create its own search engine. She joined Salesforce, a global cloud computing company, as a senior engineer in 2009, by way of Yahoo (and Oracle before that).
Polinsky graduated from Swarthmore with a special major in computer science and has been an active member of Alumni Council.