Linguistics Tri-College Class of 2020

Amatullah Brown, Swarthmore
Arabic-French Code switching in the Maghreb: An Examination of Changes in Syntax and Perceptions

Rebecca Bull, Bryn Mawr College
Language Choice in Moroccan Poetry

Anya Capps, Bryn Mawr College
A Qualitative and Quantitative Study: A Look at the Production of Emotive Words and Questions by Children with ASD vs. TD Children

Jessie Chen, Bryn Mawr College
‘Voluntourism’ and English Language in China: Examining Six Case Studies

Marit Eiler, Bryn Mawr College
The Syntax of Aspect in Russian: A Proposed New Analysis

Kylah Fanning, Bryn Mawr College
Language Retention Amongst Alumni of Bilingual Education Programs in U.S. Public schools

Rylee Fennell, Haverford College
Underinformative Implicature Derivation on the Broader Autism Phenotype

Brendan Harrison, Bryn Mawr College

Travis Herringshaw, Haverford College
Prosody of Positive and Negative Conjunction in English and Bangla

Aradia Jinsi, Bryn Mawr College
Linguistic Persecution in South Asia: Historical and Modern Implications for Post-Article 370 Kashmir

Neal Kelso, Haverford College
Life-form Overlap in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Plant Taxonomy

Nanako Komatsubara, Bryn Mawr College
Social Factors Behind the Usage of Women’s Language in English-Japanese Translation – Through an Analysis of “In the Company of Women”

Alexandria Lampard, Bryn Mawr College
The Language of Wellness: Perceived 'Quasi-Health' in Cereal Advertising Language

Emily Lin, Haverford College
Handling Reduplication in a Morphological Analyzer for Wamesa

Graham Mauro, Haverford College
The Documentation and Development of a Spelling System for San Bartolomé Quialana Zapotec

Eva Morrison, Haverford College
A Comparative Analysis of the Vitality of Welsh and Irish

Benjamin Paul, Haverford College
Learning ill-formed loanwords in Optimality Theory

Tessa Pham, Bryn Mawr College

Ellora Rich, Swarthmore College
Comparative Reconstruction of Proto-Biakic Phonology

Conor Stuart Roe, Haverford College

Jack St. Clair, Haverford College
Building a Linguistics based Loss Function for Dialogue Generation

Nathaniel Ziv Stern, Swarthmore College
There is No Weak Add in ASL

Nicole Talvacchia, Haverford College