1898 J. BEAN DIARY, copied Nov. 11, 1998

by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).



            Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years.  A few years have  “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing. 

            This 1898 diary is typical of Joel’s  diaries, a  black leather bound volume about  5  X 3  inches cover, about an inch thick, with only two dates pre-printed on each page .  The title of  the volume is 1898 The Excelsior Diary,  from Cambridgeport Diary Co.  The  first about 30 pages are useful references, charts, and a 1898 calendar, but no mention of place of publication..


            Only dates with hand written entries are listed.


=====================  1898  ============================


Jan. 5, 1898 Wed:  Suoing Genche?? Here in the afternoon.

                        H.E.B. went to Palo Alto to spend the night with Helen McEilivray.

Jan. 11, 1898, Tues.:  H. E. B.  attended the funeral of Lena Taylor at Alameda.

Jan. 12, 1898, Wed: Levi Gregory attended meeting, with Wm. E. Ward.

Jan. 17, 1898, Mon.:  Attended Ministers Meeting at 10 1/2 a. m. and read a paper on “Sacrifice.”

Jan. 23, 1898, Sun:  The waves were high on Galilee

                             Yet H. could sleep in peace.

                          Whose word could still the Stormy Sea

                              And cause the wind to cease.

Jan. 26, 1898, Wed:  Cathie & Lily with Joel & Mary went to The Foothills to Edwin Roberts’s for the day.

Jan. 28, 1898, Fri.:  A party of Ladies here in the p.m.


Feb. 6, 1898 Sun:  John Earle & wife from Swansea, Mass. Were at Mtg. & dined at C. Davis’s   We all dined at C. E. C’s

Feb. 16, 1898, Wed:  Isaac & Cathie & children returned to Tulare.

Feb. 18, 1898, Fri.:  Benjamin H. Jones died at Agnews Asylum this p.m.

Feb. 20, 1898, Sun:  Attended the Funeral of B. H. Jones’s at 10 a.m. at G. N. Jones’s house, which took the place of the usual Mtg.


Mar 8, 1898 Tues.:  I went Stanford University with Lily.  Heard Lectures by Prof. Griggs,  Prof. Edwin D. Starbuck, & Prof. Thoburn.

Mar 10, 1898, Thurs.:  Eliza Varney from Canada accompanied by Enock and Catharine Carter from Kansas came here.

Mar 11,1898, Fri.:  James took the Friends to call on Jane Canney in the afternoon.      Geo. & Wilhelmina Jones called in the Evening.

Mar 12,1898, Sat:  James took E. Varney & companions to the Foothills to Lunch with Mary Hammond  and back to Geo. Jones’s for tea &  returning here in the Evening.

Mar 13,1898, Sun:  Eliza H. Varney & Companions, Enoch Carter & wife at Meeting --     We dined with them at C. E. Cox’s and they went to San Francisco in the Afternoon for a Mtg. there this Evening.      Geo. & Mary Hammond here to tea, with C’s family.

Mar 20, 1898, Sun.:   Caroline Ladd was at Meeting, having taken Boarding for awhile at G. N. Jones’s

Mar 22, 1898, Tues.:  Horace & Joey Cox & their children Elma & Esther, came to C. E. C’s

Mar 23, 1898, Wed.:  Horace Cox was at Meeting.

Mar 29, 1898, Tues.:  H. E. B.  &  I went to Berkeley to J. Burtt Davy’s at Peralta Park.

Mar 30, 1898, Wed:  We spent the day at Berkeley at the State University & at Peralta Park.   Attended a Lecture of Prof. Bradley’s on Matthew Arnold and one of Prof. Syles on Eng. Lit. etc.    John Allen DeCon called in The Evening at J. B. D’s.   A great Earthquake in the night at 11:48.

Mar 31, 1898, Thurs.:  Returned home from Peralta Park via S. F. & called on Hannah Neall.

April 1, 1898 Fri.:  Benja  Cox and Isaac & Mareichen?? Came from Tulare for the Family Reunion at Charles’s.   Helen McGillirvay here to spend the night, after her Lecture in S. J.

April 2, 1898, Sat:  Henry B. Binns and wife came here from Oakland,  staid to Tea & went to G. N. Jones’s to lodge.   Morris Cox at C. C.

April 3, 1898, Sun:  Benj. a  Cox and his five sons & two daughters-in-law (Joel Bean’s daughters)  and five of his six Grandchildren were at Meeting.     Henry & Katharine Binns, were at Mtg. & dined here with Eliz  H. Shelley.   E. H. Shelley & H. E. B. spoke in Mtg. and Caroline Ladd prayed.

April 4, 1898, Mon.:  The Cox families went to Alum Rock for the day.

April 5,  1898, Tues.:  Horace Cox & family and Benj. a  & Isaac & Marirchen  Cox left for Tulare.

April 6, 1898, Wed:  Augustus Taber died about 10 a.m.

April 7, 1898, Thurs.:  H. & K. Binns moved to G. N. Jones’s from Oakland.

April 8, 1898,  Fri.:  We attended the Funeral of Augustus Taber at 2 p.m.

April 10 1898, Sun.:  Timothy Nicholson & wife from Richmond Ind. Were at meeting and dined at C. E. C’s with us.    George Nethervell of Phila.  was at Mtg. and took tea here.  He is staying at Paul Bruin’s

April 11, 1898, Mon.:  I attended Ministers’ Mtg. At College Park with T. Nicholson.  An Address on the Bible Manuscripts, by Prof. Gross.              Timothy & Mary Nicholson staid here.

April 12, 1898, Tues.: I went with T. & M. Nicholson to Stanford, & attended Lectures of Profs Griggs, Starbuck, & Thoburn.  Dined at Palo Alto.   James took them from Santa Clara Depot to visit Angews Asylum  ---  and to St James Hotel where they stay. 

 H. E. B. conducted a Lesson in the W. C. T. U. Co. Convention in S. J.

April 13, 1898, Wed:  Timothy & Mary Nicholson were at Mtg.  Sybil McMillan came to meet them.   James took them to San Jose, to the W. C. T. U. County Convention now in Session, where they all dined with E. Shelley.  They left this p. m. for S. F. 

 H. E. B.  & Lily called on Anna Taber in the Eveng.

April 14, 1898, Thurs.:  Caroline Ladd called here.

April 17 1898, Sun:  Benjamin Coppock was at Meeting.

April 20, 1898, Wed:  Sewing Circle at S. Shelleys.  H. E. B. & L. S. B. C. attended.

April 22,1898 Fri.: Helen MacGillivay staid here, after her Lecture in S. J.

April 24, 1898, Sun:  H. J. Bland of College Park (M. E. Minister) was at Meeting and spoke.

April 26, 1898, Tues.:  Ernest Hall from England via Australia, came here from S. F.

April 27, 1898 Wed:  Ernest Hall was at Mtg. And went to S. Shelley’s in the afternoon, returning here to lodge.

April 28, Thurs.:  Ernest Hall went to S. Jose & Santa Clara during the day, and to G. N. Jones’s to tea.

April 29, Fri.:  Ernest Hall left for S. F. intending to sail on 1st day with his wife, for Victoria B. C. where he has business.

April 30, 1898 Sat:   Mary Morris Cox died at one O'clock of Diphtheria, in Tulare after about two weeks sickness. Telegram recd about 5.

May 1, 1898, Sun:  Funeral at Tulare at 10 a.m.   Anna & Cornelia Taber and other Friends called.   Archibald Crosbie Jun. here to tea.

May 6, 1898, Fri.:  J. Burtt & Alice Davy & his sister Lily came.

May 7, 1898 Sat:  Semi Annual Meeting.              Carolina Ladd, The Davys from Berkeley, Friend Erskine & a young woman from S. F.   Prof. Murray, Saml. Brun etc. present.      Papers read in Memory of B. H. Jones & Augustus Taber.  Selections read by Herbert Jones, Abby Roberts and C. Ladd. & a Hymn of H. L. Neall’s by H. E. B.   J. B. Davy & wife & sister went to S. Shelley’s.


May 13 1898, Fri.:  Henry Tregs called.

May 14, 1898, Sat:  Rainy, cool   Had five in Sitting room.

May 15, 1898, Sun:  Benj. a  Coppock at Mtg. & spoke.  Henry Binns spoke.   Bible class at Lily’s at 4 p.m.

May 18, 1898, Wed:  Sewing Circle at Saml. Hames’s? at Santa Clara.   Lily Davy came here after Sewing Circle.

May 19, 1898, Thur:  Kate Travison here sewing

Lily Davy & Katharine Binns & I attended Commencement at University of the Pacific.  Address by Dr. McKengir of S. F.   Henry Binns & wife here to tea with Lily Davy.

May 20, 1898, Fri.:  Lily Davy went to G. N. Jones’s to tea.

May 21, 1898, Sat:  Lily Davy left after dinner for Berkeley.   Caroline Ladd and Hugh & Miriam Maxwell here to tea.

May 25, 1898 Wed:  I attended Commencement at Stanford University.  Dined at Elbert Peasley’s at Palo Alto   Addresses by Prof. Miller & Pres. Jordan.   Catharine & Joel came home from Tulare.    Alvin went to Santa Rosa.

May 26, 1898, Thurs.:  Catharine went to S. F. to conduct the Bryn Mawr Examinations.  Lydia went with her.       Isaac Cox came from Tulare.

May 29, 1898, Sun:  Meeting was held at Felice Brun’s on the occasion of the funeral of Louis Brun’s child, little Genevieve, aged about 3 mos.

May 30, 1898, Mon.:  Hay on the lots was cut by W?iser & Newman.

May 31, 1898, Tues.:  Lydia & Cathie returned from S. F.    Alvin returned from Santa Rosa.


June 2, 1898, Thur:  Alvin & I hauled in the Hay from our lots.

June 4, 1898, Sat:  Chas. E. Cox went to P. Grove for the Summer School.

June 7, 1898, Tues.:  Attended Annual Mtg. of S. J. Water Co.  Directors Elected, Coleman, Williams, Mabury, Cozzens, Ryland, Lion, Barker.

June 8, 1898 Wed:  Alvin Cox went to P. Grove.

June 9, 1898,Thur:  H. E. B.  – L. E. B. C.  – little Catharine & Joel, and I went to Los Gatos – and called on Eliza Elliott.

June 11, 1898, Sat.:  Henry & Catharine Binns here in the Evening.

June 14, 1898, Tues.:  I went to Pacific Grove.

June 18, 1898, Sat:  Chas. & Alvin & I were invited to E. Berwick’s to meet some Monterey Teachers.  Mr. Hicksman?, Miss Orton, Misses Rouse?, & Miss Bailey.

June 19, 1898, Sun:  Chas., Alvin, & attended Congregational Church at P. Grove.   At Faith Mission in p.m. I heard the Colored Evangelist, Glasco & wife.   Chas. & I called on Prof. Starbuck & wife.  I called on Ann & Sarah Cloud.

Jun. 22, 1898, Wed: Edwd Bevwick at our Cottage in the Evening.

June 23, 1898, Thurs.:  I. M. Cox went to Santa Rosa.  I returned home from P Grove.

June 24, 1898 Fri.:  We attended the funeral of Norman Porter at 3:30 p.m.   Lydia & Anna & Catharine M. (Cox) went to Pacific Grove by 4:15 train.

June 28,1898, Tues.:  Cathie & Joel went to Pacific Grove.

June 30, 1898, Thur:  Henry B. & Catharine Binns staid here.


July 1, 1898, Fri.:  H. & C. Binns moved to San Francisco.

July 2, 1898, Sat.: Ted (the horse) went to Pasture, to Green Meadow Farm, Santa Clara.

July 7, 1898,Thur:  H. E. B. went to Pacific Grove.

July 8, 1898, Fri.:  Chas. E. Cox came up from the Grove.

July 10, 1898, Sun.: Chas. E. Cox returned to Pacific Grove.

Mother & I dined at Christy Davis’s.

July 13, 1898, Wed.:  Mother & I dined at Geo. N. Jones’s

July 15, 1898, Fri.:  Christy (84 yrs old Aug. 25) & Eleanor Davis(78 yrs old Dec. 4)   and James Bean dined here.

July 17, 1898, Sun.:  Elizabeth H. Shelley dined with us.

July 29, 1898, Fri.:  H. E. B. --  Isaac & Catharine & Joel, -- Alvin and Anna & Catharine M. returned from Pacific Grove.

July 31, 1898, Sun.:  Donald & Janet Erskine and their son Andrew came from S. F. to Meeting, and dined with us.


Aug. 1, 1898 Mon.:  Alvin brot Ted home from Pasture.

Aug. 2 1898, Tues.:  Isaac M. Cox went to Tulare.

Aug. 7, 1898, Sun.:  We dined with Cathie & the children at C’s

Aug. 17, 1898, Wed.:  I. M. Cox returned from Tulare.

Aug. 18, 1898, Thurs.:  James & Roana Bean went to P. Grove.

Aug. 21, 1898 Sun:  Alexander Macy & wife    605 So 1st St. S. J.  were at Meeting:  also ---------Votau nerf?   Isaac & Cathie & family dined here.

Aug. 22, 1898 Mon.:  Isaac & Cathie & Joel went to Palo Alto to Housekeeping. Chas. & Lydia returned home from P. Grove.

Aug. 24, 1898, Wed.:  H. E. B.  went to Palo Alto

Aug. 25, 1898,Thur:  H. E. B. returned from P. Alto

Aug. 26, 1898, Fri.:  I went to Palo Alto   Called on Helen Mc Gillivay & Prof. Starbuck.

Aug. 27, 1898, Sat.:  Cathie & I called at Prof. Murray’s in the Eveng.

Aug. 28, 1898, Sun.:  I attended with Isaac & Cathie & Joel the Episcopal Church at Palo Alto.     Returned home.


Sept. 3,  1898, Sat.:  Lily & Catharine M  went to Palo Alto

Sept. 4, 1898 Sun:  Pliny Goddard was at Meeting and Engaged in Ministry:  He dined here with Mary Hammond and Edwin Roberts & Chas. & Alvin & Anna.

Lily & Catharine M. returned from Palo Alto

Sept. 5, 1898, Mon.:  I attended Ministers Mtg. at 11--   H. E. B. & I attended a gathering at Anna Taber’s at 3 p.m. to meet Pliny Goddard, who spoke on the Indian Mission at Hoopa Valley, and of the work the past year.

Sept. 6, 1898, Tues.:  Abby Weeks here sewing.

Sept. 7, 1898, Wed.:  Caroline Ladd called.   I went with Chas. in the p.m. to haul prunes to Campbell.

Sept. 8, 1898, Thurs.:  Abby Weeks here Sewing this week.

Sept. 9, 1898, Fri.:  I went with Chas. & the girls to the Ranch in the p. m. to haul prunes & pick fruit.

Sept. 10, 1898, Sat.:  Isaac & Cathie & Joel here from Palo Alto.

Sept. 11, 1898, Sun.: Isaac & Cathie & Joel returned to Palo Alto.

Mrs. Mabury & Stephen & Louise Jones called.

Sept. 17, 1898, Sat.:  I went to Pacific Grove.

Sept. 18, 1898, Sun.:  Attended M. E. Church. Heard Bishop Hurst who is presiding at the M. E. Conference.   Ordination and Memorial Services in the Afternoon.

Sept. 19, 1898 Mon.:  Attended M. E. Conference at P. Grove.  Heard many Speakers including Dr. A. J. Palmer & Dr. Geo. P. Mains of New York.  Dr. Mathews Editor of Advocate S. F. & others. Bishop Taylor was in attendance.  Bishop Hurst presiding.

Sept. 25, 1898, Sun.:  I attended the Catholic Church at Monterey.

Sept. 29,1898, Thurs.:  I returned home from P. Grove.

Sept. 30,1898 Fri.:  Cathie & Joel came home from Palo Alto.


Oct. 2,1898, Sun:  John Gifford’s wife & others of a party of Tourists were at meeting.                 Cathie & Joel returned to Palo Alto

Oct. 6, 1898,Thur:  Hough & Miriam Maxwell & Caroline Ladd were here in the forenoon. 

Oct. 7, 1898, Fri.:  H. E. B. attended the Annual Mtg. of the Indian Asst. Association.    Isaac & Cathie & Joel came from Palo Alto.

Oct. 10, 1898 Mon.:  Isaac & Cathie & Joel returned to Palo Alto.

Oct. 21, 1898, Fri.:  Cathie & Joel came home from Palo Alto & Isaac, after going to S. F., came in the Evening.

Oct. 23, 1898, Sun.:  Cathie was at Mtg.  Isaac unwell.

Oct. 24, 1898 Mon.:  Isaac went to S. F. to attend to freight for the Lurline & returned in the Evening.

Oct. 25, 1898, Tues.:  Cathie and her Mother (H. E. B.) went to San Francisco and staid at Lewis Cowgill’s.   Isaac went to Stanford.

Oct. 27, 1898, Thurs.:  Across the margin:   A beautiful Autumn day  Isaac & Joel left for the Sandwich Islands.  Charles, Anna & Catharine & I went with them to S. F. to meet Cathie & her Mother at the ship.  We saw Isaac & Cathie & Joel off on the Brig?? Lurline for Maui, at half past 11.   H. E. B.  & I called on Rebecca H. Smiley at 305 Kearney St & we all returned home in the p. m.

Oct. 31, 1898, Mon.:  I attended Ministers’ Mtg.   James had a paper on Peace & the Czar’s proposal.   Caroline Ladd & M. Maxwell attended.  H. M. Dunay, Dr. Kunner, Dr. Mansfield & others spoke in defense of War.


Nov. 1, 1898 Tues.:  Inazo?  Nitobe & wife and Anna Hartshorne came to Geo. N. Jones’s to board.

Nov. 2,1898, Wed:  Anna & Catharine here this week with German Measles.

Nov. 4,1898, Fri.:  Hannah L. Neall came here.

Nov. 5, 1898, Sat.:  Semi-Annual Mtg.    Paper by Stephen A. Jones.  Among the Speakers on it were Prof. Murray, Prof. Starbuck, H. Melville Tennary?,  Inazo Nitobe, Mrs. Edwards of S. J., J. W. Osborne, H. E. B.

A Poem by H. L. Neall.  House filled.  Report on Indian Mission at Hoopa by Cornelia Taber.

Nov. 10, 1898, Thurs.:  We called on Inazo & Mary Nitobe at G. N. J.

Nov. 17, 1898,Thur:  The Annual Mtg. of the Needle Work Guild in S. J. which H. E. B. attended.

Nov. 21, 1898 Mon.:  Inazo & Mary Nitobe & Anna Hartshorne called in the p.m.             Rec d  our first letters from Catharine at Waikeekee, with her Journal of the voyage.

Nov. 29,1898 Tues.:  I went to Stanford University.  Heard Prof. Thoburn’s Lecture – also Prof. Fetter & Angell---& Wood?.


Dec. 11, 1898 Sun:  Joseph S. & Sarah Mitchell of S. F. were at Mtg. and here to dinner.

Dec. 18, 1898, Sun.:  Had calls from C. E. Ladd and Geo. & Mary Hammond.

Dec. 21, 1898, Wed.:  Alvin J. Cox went to Tulare for his vacation.   Sewing Circle here.   Miriam Maxwell, Caroline Ladd, Elmina Wilson, L. C. Jones, Elizabeth Hibbard, Alice Griffin, Mrs. Bartte, Mrs. Slaughter, here      The term closed at Stanford.

Dec. 25, 1898, Sun.:  Ann Cloud died at Pacific Grove.

Christmas opening at C’s in the p.m.   Letters from Maui came.

Dec. 26, 1898 Mon.:  Chas. & Lydia & children here to dinner.

Allen De Cou of Morristown, N. J., now teaching at Berkeley in State University came here on his wheel and spent the night.

Dec. 27, 1898, Tues.:  Chas. & Anna Cox went to Santa Rosa.

Dec. 29, 1898, Thur.:  Isaac Hibberd and his Son I. Norris Hibberd Called here.  The latter gave us an account of Alaska he having been to Dawson.  C. Ladd & E. Davis also called.




Followed by:

2 pages of 20 addresses, most San Jose and San Francisco.


1 page of subscriptions to 7 Quaker publications.


Assessment 1898 on 4 Lots


12 pages of CASH ACCTS with LETTERS WRITTEN facing

                                              TOTAL OF 174 LETTERS WRITTEN


January (:full page)--18  Paid irrigation Tax Tulare 1896-97 $8.04


April:    22  Sent Tax to Oregon           $4.55


June 1898: 23  Exp. at P. Grove          $5.20

                         Paint, Oil Store                         $2.50

                         Pd on wood at Grove          $9.75


Sept.  15  Paint for P. Grove          $2.80

                        30  Exp. to P. Grove             $6.55

                            Rec for Rent 18.25


Oct.                 18  Pd Tax                                   $48.51

                                    Tax at Salinas       $ 7.88

                                    Tax at P. Grove               $ 2.68

                        14   Tax sent to Tulare      $    .32


Nov. 1898 6   Gave for Indian Mission   $5.00

                                       Ramallah Mission    $2.00

                        13  Pd Mtg. Money                 $ 3.00


29 names on list of people sent Tract on Sacrifice, last page


========================== 1898 ===========================


Joel Bean’s 1898   Engagement Calendar was copied into the Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 4.0. Nov. 11 , 1998 at Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library by


Tom M. King

393 Rutland Ave,

San Jose, CA 95128. 

PHONE (408) 286-7157

or E-Mail thomk48@hotmail.com