Scholarships & Grants

The Swarthmore College Scholarship
Swarthmore College awarded more than $48 million in need-based funds for 2022-23 academic year. Most of these funds were granted to our students as Swarthmore Scholarships. The Swarthmore Scholarship is grant aid from the College that does not need to be repaid. These scholarships may be supported with the College’s endowed, restricted, or general funds. Many of these funds were provided by generous alumni and friends of the College. Recipients of the Swarthmore Scholarship see the award appear as a credit on their College bill each semester.
Other Scholarships & Grants
Philip Evans Scholars Program
Philip Evans Scholars merit awards were established in 1986 by Jerome Kohlberg '46, in memory of his longtime friend and classmate, Dr. Philip Evans. The Evans Scholar selection committee seeks extraordinary students who have met Swarthmore’s rigorous admission standards and whose achievements demonstrate integrity, intelligence, the potential to take advantage of the scholarship’s offerings, and a commitment to give back to the community as involved citizens. Finalists are selected from admitted students who have committed to attend Swarthmore and are invited for on-campus interviews in June. All admitted students are considered—no special application or additional information is required.
In addition to meeting a student’s demonstrated financial aid need, each Philip Evans Scholar receives a one-time computer purchase allowance of up to $1,500 and an annual opportunity grant to create a personalized series of learning experiences outside the classroom. These opportunities may include international travel, professional internships, independent research, and community service. Philip Evans Scholars also receive extensive mentoring and participate in group programs and trips.
National and Regional McCabe Scholarships
These merit awards provide a minimum annual grant of full tuition. The award may be increased up to the full cost of tuition, fees, room, and board, depending on financial need. The selection committee places emphasis on ability, character, personality, leadership, and service to school and community.
Lang Opportunity Scholarships (LOS)
The Eugene Lang Opportunity Scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated a personal concern for community service, action, and helping others. Lang Scholars receive up to $10,000 each to develop a social service project to be completed by graduation. Students may apply for the LOS after completing their third semester at Swarthmore.
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Pell Grant eligibility is determined using a federal U.S. Department of Education system that begins with your submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Initial Pell award figures listed in a financial aid award package are estimates, and no payment of that grant is possible until we review the results of your federal FAFSA application.
In order to qualify for the Pell, you must complete the FAFSA and submit your FAFSA application online to the federal processor. The FAFSA not only serves as the Pell Grant application, but also informs the Financial Aid Office about your eligibility for other federal aid.
Once you receive the results of your FAFSA application, you should review your federal Student Aid Report (SAR) for accuracy and correct it, if necessary, according to the instructions. Please send your corrections back to the federal processor, not to Swarthmore College.
If our estimate of your Pell Grant eligibility is not accurate, we will adjust our Swarthmore Scholarship appropriately. Once your federal SAR has been verified and the award amount is confirmed, one-half of the Pell Grant will appear as a credit on your College bill each semester. The College cannot fill any gap in financial aid created as a result of students who do not submit the FAFSA on time.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are offered to eligible students from our limited federal allocation.
State Grants
State scholarships offered to needy students from Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia, can be used at Swarthmore. (Other states’ scholarships may not be used out of state.)
Initial amounts of state scholarships listed on your award letter is an estimate of your eligibility for state support. Your state determines your actual eligibility. If our estimate of your state scholarship is not accurate, we will adjust our Swarthmore Scholarship offer appropriately.
If we have provided an estimated state scholarship and you have not yet applied for consideration, you should do so immediately at the Federal Student Aid website. In most states, the FAFSA serves as a state scholarship application. The College cannot fill the gap in financial aid created as a result of students who do not apply on time for state scholarship help. One-half of your state scholarship will appear as a credit on your College bill each semester, but only after the College receives the funds from your state.
Outside Scholarships & Grants
Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, if your outside scholarship funds exceed the combined total of your expected summer earnings contribution and your work aid expectation, then the remaining outside scholarship funds may be used towards your expected family contribution. Swarthmore Scholarship will only be reduced should your outside scholarship funds, in addition to other outside resources, exceed the total cost of attendance. This practice is done in accordance with federal rules. Please note that this treatment does not include employer tuition grants or assistance.
Outside Scholarship organizations must direct funds (check) to and made payable to Swarthmore College with the full name of the student noted in the check's memo to:
Swarthmore College
c/o Student Accounts Office
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Note: Any outside scholarship funds that may have been inadvertently paid directly to a student will need to be rectified in the following way. The full amount with any applicable documentation (letter/email) must be reported to the Financial Aid Office by the student via their account immediately.
The Financial Aid Office sends a survey in the spring to all first-year students, asking for a list of all outside scholarships that they expect to receive in the upcoming year. This information is used to update financial aid awards as described above; in addition, the Student Accounts Office is notified that these funds are expected.