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Jeff Sugg


June 26, 2005 - September 1, 2006

Swarthmore Project in Theater 2005.

Jeff Sugg is a New York-based artist, designer, and technical advisor. He is also co-founder of the installation/performance company Transmission Projects with whom he has co-created and designed five productions in collaboration with artist Tom Fruin. Other theater design: The Collapsible Giraffe (lighting), The San Francisco Mime Troupe (set and slides), and The Pig Iron Theatre Company (sets and lighting). Performance production work: The Wooster Group (technical artist), Richard Foreman, Laurie Anderson, Big Dance Theater, John Jesurun, Stephen Petronio, GAle GAtes et al (effects designer/engineer), Dennis Cleveland at Lincoln Center(projection system designer/engineer). Music design: collaborations with composer Joseph Diebes (production designer), Cynthia Hopkins with Gloria Deluxe (lighting director), Natalie Cole (lighting director). Jeff returned to campus in April 2002 to show his work and speak as part of the Alumni Design Exhibit sponsored by the William J. Cooper Foundation as part of the 10th Anniversary Season of the Lang Performing Arts Center at Swarthmore.