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Glowing review of "The Wolves" in The Phoenix

Director Alex Torra and student actors on the set of "The Wolves"

Director Alex Torra gives last-minute notes before a run of "The Wolves". 

A recent review of "The Wolves" by Raya Tuffaha '23 in the Swarthmore student paper, The Phoenix, captured the power and intensity of the Theater Department's production. Tuffaha beautifully describes the show, which introduces us to a girls' soccer team through a series of pre-game stretches and drills, chatter and gossip, and the eventual tensions that threaten to pull the team apart. 

Tuffaha also notes that nearly the entire Swarthmore women's soccer team was in the audience on opening night. After the cast of "The Wolves" visited the team's practice session to see a real soccer team warm up, the team wanted to see the show that mirrored so much about their real lives. The reviewer shared her hope that "future Swarthmore productions stick to the precedent “The Wolves” has so lovingly established: finding ways to bring diverse members of our community together in celebration of such talented performing artists". 

Read the rest of the review at!