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Philip Evans Scholars

Village Education Project

Department Overview

The Philip Evans Scholarship Program is committed to empowering Swarthmore College students to develop themselves as critical thinkers, compassionate citizens, and engaged participants in local and world affairs. The Philip Evans Scholars Program is intended to help students achieve their full potential not only through Swarthmore's rigorous academic program, but also through challenging experiences and opportunities outside the classroom. It is awarded to students who in their high school years have demonstrated leadership, integrity, intelligence and a commitment to the larger community.

The Scholarship provides funds for students to pursue their interests and aspirations, allowing each scholar to create a personalized series of dynamic learning experiences. These experiences take many forms including community service, independent research, professional internships, and travel abroad.

Daniel Symonds '11

Daniel Symonds '11 used his Evans Opportunity Grants to spend summers teaching in both New Orleans and Rajastan, India. He says that he took a sociology and anthropology course at Swarthmore, Social Inequality, that "informed my views not only on why inequality is so rampant in the world, but how to work to reduce it."

Ivana Ng '12

Ivana Ng '12 has traveled twice to Southeast Asia thanks to the Evans program, and she says it has had a "lasting effect" on her. During her first summer there, she spent six weeks at an elephant camp in Thailand. Read about her experiences and watch a "music video" she created with an elephant.