Darwinism and Social Darwinism

Selected Sources


Portrait of Charles Darwin

Primary (texts online)

Darwin, On the Origin of Species

Darwin, Descent of Man,

Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle

Wallace, Alfred Russel, (1823-1913) On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species, (1855)

Wallace, Alfred Russel,823-1913 On the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type(1858)

Secondary (selected bibliographies)

Darwinism in Biology (including Web discussion)

Darwinism and Religion (including Web discussion)


Social Darwinism

Primary (texts on line)

Pannekoek, Anton, Marxism and Darwinism (Chicago:1912)

Secondary (texts on line)

Bannister, Robert, Social Darwinism: Science and Myth (1978) , Preface to 1988 edn.See review online by Barry Mehler (Archives :Institute for the Study of Academic Racism).

Young, Robert "Darwnism Is Social"

Recent Web discussion of "social Darwinism"

Bibliography (selected secondary sources)


Prepared iby: Robert Bannister (rbannis1@swarthmore.edu). Latest revision 9/22/01Send comments or suggestions to Robert Bannister Department of History, Swarthmore (emeritus)