Welcome! Hans Oberdiek's Home Page

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Philosophy Links
I try to keep these pages up to date: from them you can get to a wide variety of philosophy sites. In many ways it will parallel the "Other Sites" on the Philosophy Department Web site.


Non-Philosophy Links
These are sites that I access frequently. As you'll see, they are a varied lot!


Oberdiek Course Links

Oberdiek Seminar Links



Swarthmore's Weather

Philosophy at Swarthmore

Hans Oberdiek


Henry C. & Charlotte Turner Professor


Department of Philosophy

(610) 328-8426 (Dept Office)

Swarthmore College

(610) 328-8424 (Oberdiek Office)

Swarthmore, PA 19081

(610) 328-7814 (Department Fax)

Please address comments and questions about this page to Hans Oberdiek